Top Homeopathic Remedies for Achalasia Cardia
- More common in adults than children.
- Most common between 25 – 60 years of age.
- Dysphagia- difficulty in swallowing
- Inability to swallow solids and liquids
- Odynophagia- Pain while swallowing
- Sensation of choking or something stuck in throat while eating
- Heart burn with heaviness in chest
- Hiccups and occasional burping
- Weight Loss
- Sudden difficulty in breathing, choking due to aspiration.
Achalasia cardia is a rare motility disorder of the esophagus or food pipe. This disorder causes the esophageal muscle to not contract properly, due to which the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) is unable to relax properly. The scope of treating achalasia cardia with homeopathy is limited to mild and moderate cases. Homeopathic medicines like Alumina, Kali Carb, and Lachesis can be used to help treat achalasia cardia symptomatically.
The esophagus is a tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. The muscle layer of the esophagus contracts to move the food down from throat to the stomach. The esophagus has two sphincters. One sphincter lies at the upper end of the esophagus (upper oesophageal sphincter, UES) and another at the lower end of the esophagus (lower oesophageal sphincter, LES). The UES relax when the food has to enter esophagus from the throat, and the LES relaxes when food has to enter the stomach from the esophagus. Rest of times both these sphincters remain closed. In achalasia cardia, the esophageal muscles don’t contract properly. As a result, the swallowed food doesn’t move down into the stomach. In addition to this, the lower end of esophagus lying immediately above the LES begins to dilate.
Homeopathic Management of Achalasia Cardia
Cases of achalasia cardia can be symptomatically managed with the help of natural homeopathic medicines. However, in severe cases of achalasia cardia, it should be noted that homeopathy doesn’t have any significant role to play and help from the conventional mode of treatment is required. Homeopathic medicines aim at giving symptomatic relief in cases of achalasia cardia. Homeopathic prescription for achalasia cardia varies from case to case as per the individual characteristic features. Some of the well indicated homeopathic medicines for symptomatic management of achalasia cardia are – Alumina, Kali Carb, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Robinia, and Carbo Veg.
Homeopathic Medicines for Symptomatic Management of Achalasia Cardia
Alumina – Natural Medicine for Difficulty Swallowing Solids due to Achalasia Cardia
Alumina is a natural homeopathic medicine for managing swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) in cases of achalasia cardia. People who need Alumina find it very difficult to swallow solids. They need to cut their food in very small pieces before eating it. It is also extremely difficult for the food to pass down the food pipe and reach the stomach. It seems to get lodged in the food pipe. The person can feel the food lying in the whole length of the food pipe, and there is a sensation of a lump present in the throat.
Kali Carb – Natural Remedy for Food Being Stuck in the Food Pipe in Achalasia Cardia
Kali Carb is a natural homeopathic remedy for achalasia cardia when the food gets stuck in the food pipe. The person needing Kali Carb often complains that the food passes very slowly down the food pipe and lodges halfway there. A stinging pain may be felt in the throat while swallowing. There may be vomiting right after eating.
Lachesis – Natural Homeopathic Medicine For Achalasia Cardia where there is Difficulty Swallowing Liquids
Homeopathic medicine Lachesis is useful in case of achalasia cardia where the person experiences difficulty in swallowing. Solid food is swallowed easily but is difficult to swallow liquids. Liquids tend to back up and return through the nose. A constant sensation of a lump in the throat is present in a majority of the cases needing Lachesis.
Phosphorus – Natural Treatment for Regurgitation of Food in Achalasia Cardia
Phosphorus is an effective homeopathic remedy for achalasia cardia where there is a regurgitation of food. The lower end of esophagus seems contracted. The food comes up again in mouthfuls. This happens soon after swallowing the food. Nausea during the night is also common. A burning sensation in the food pipe (heartburn) is also present with the above symptoms.
Robinia – Effective Medicine for Heartburn in Achalasia Cardia
Robinia is prepared from the fresh bark of the root and young twigs of a plant named Robinia Pseudo-acacia. The natural order of this plant is Leguminosae. Robinia is a very effective homeopathic medicine for treating achalasia cardia when heartburn is most troublesome. Heartburn is most worse at night on lying down and is accompanied by vomiting of intensely sour fluid.
Carbo Veg – Natural Treatment for Heartburn in Cases of Achalasia Cardia
Carbo Veg is an effective homeopathic medicine for managing heartburn in cases of achalasia cardia. Along with heartburn sour, putrid belching appears. In some cases, water-brash may also be present. Vomiting of food is another indicative feature to use Carbo Veg.
Causes of Achalasia Cardia
Achalasia Cardia is thought to arise from damage to the nerves of the esophagus, as a result of which the muscle and sphincter of the esophagus do not work properly. The reason for nerve damage is yet unclear, and it is thought that an autoimmune process or a viral infection may cause degeneration of nerves in the esophagus. It is seen that older adults are more at risk to develop achalasia cardia than people of other age groups. In some rare instances, this condition can be hereditary and show a tendency to run in families.
Symptoms of Achalasia Cardia
The major symptom of achalasia cardia is difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) that that keeps getting worse with time. Sometimes the condition worsens to an extent where it is entirely impossible for the food to enter the stomach. A sensation of food or liquid sticking in the food pipe or sensation of a lump in the throat is very commonly seen in cases of achalasia cardia. Other symptoms of achalasia cardia include heartburn, chest discomfort/chest pain, regurgitation (bringing back of the food/liquids swallowed into the mouth), coughing and frequent choking episodes. Gradual weight loss is also seen along with the above symptoms in some of the cases of achalasia cardia.
Achalasia cardia can present in a mild manner and is rarely life threatening. However if left untreated, can have following complications:
- Aspiration Pneumonia– This is a sudden complication arising due to aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs causing breathing difficulties due to bronchopneumonia.
- Esophagitis– Recurrent collection of food contents can lead to irritation of lining causing inflammation of esophagus.
- GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease)– Regurgitation of gastric contents into the oral cavity due to Lower Esophageal Sphincter abnormality can cause GERD.
- Esophageal Perforation– Chronic inflammation and irritation can lead to ulceration and cause perforation of esophagus which is a medical emergency.
- Cancer of Esophagus– Adenocarcinoma of esophagus has been noted in patients treated for achalasia cardia in past.
- Malnutrition– Long term dysphagia can lead to weight loss affecting the nutritional status.
- Homoeopathy is a holistic system of alternative medicine which works at all levels of mind and body.
- Achalasia cardia is primarily a motility disorder of esophagus due to failure of relaxation of muscles and poor muscle tone.
- Homoeopathic medicines act on the smooth muscles of the esophagus and help in strengthening and improving the overall tone of the esophageal sphincter in treatment for Achalasia Cardia.
- Complaints of swallowing difficulties, vomiting and heart burn with esophageal spasms are excellently handled with homeopathic treatment for Achalasia Cardia.
- Medicines in homoeopathy work at a much deeper level and improve the overall health of the patient and prevent unnecessary complications and relapses.
Few of our amazing homoeopathic remedies include:
Arsenic Album: It is an excellent remedy in homeopathic treatment for Achalasia Cardia with symptoms like dyspepsia, heartburn, and dysphagia. Everything patient swallows seems to have lodged in the esophagus.
Baptisia: This is a wonderful remedy in homeopathic treatment of Achalasia Cardia with dyspepsia and dysphagia accompanied muscular soreness. Patient can only swallow liquids and often vomits due to spasm of esophagus.
Ignatia: Patient feels a lump like sensation in the throat that cannot be swallowed. Difficulty in swallowing with tendency to choke. Patient feels better when swallowing solids and finds liquids harder to swallow. It is a leading remedy in homeopathic treatment for Achalasia Cardia.
Asafoetida: Indicated remedy for spasmodic contraction of esophagus and stomach with reversed peristalsis in homeopathic treatment for Achalasia Cardia. Globus hystericus – sensation of a ball rising in throat with a feeling as if esophagus were driven from stomach to throat.
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