Azoospermia Azoospermia means complete absence of sperm count in the semen. It may be caused by the testicular dysfunction, cancer chemotherapy, or blockage of the tubules of the epididymis, or…
STELLARIA MEDIA Chickweed Induces a condition of stasis, congestion, and sluggishness of all functions. Morning aggravation. Sharp, shifting, rheumatic pains in all parts very pronounced. Rheumatism; darting pains in almost every part;…
STICTA PULMONARIA Lungwort (STICTA) Offers a set of symptoms like coryza, bronchial catarrh and influenza, together with nervous and rheumatic disturbances. There is a general feeling of dullness and malaise, as when…
Depressive disorders have been around right from the the beginning of recorded history. Hippocrates referred to depression as melancholia, which literally means black bile. Black bile, along with blood, phlegm,…
Alopecia refers to hair loss from any part of the body for any reason. Several types of Alopecias are there, but main types are Alopecia areata (hair loss in patches)…
Acidity: Acidity is one of the most common diseases that causes heart burn in the upper gastro intestinal tract. Acidity can be a result of inappropriate dietary regimen or stress. It…
STAPHYSAGRIA Stavesacre Nervous affections with marked irritability, diseases of the genito-urinary tract and skin, most frequently give symptoms calling for this drug. Acts on teeth and alveolar periosteum. Ill effects…
Spongiotic dermatitis, a common inflammatory skin condition, can be effectively managed with homeopathic remedies. Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and natural treatments for spongiotic dermatitis. Causes Spongiotic dermatitis arises…
STANNUM METALLICUM Tin (STANNUM) Chief action is centered upon the nervous system and respiratory organs. Debility is very marked when Stannum is the remedy, especially the debility of chronic bronchial…
STACHYS BETONICA Betony Wood (BETONICA) Produces pains in various parts. Head.--Stitches in right temple. Inability to concentrate mind. Abdomen.--Pains in abdomen, hepatic region and of transverse colon, also in gall-bladder…
SQUILLA MARITIMA Sea-onion A slow acting remedy. Corresponds to ailments requiring several days to reach their maximum. Persistent, dull, rheumatic pains permeate the body. A spleen medicine; stitches under left…
SPONGIA TOSTA Roasted Sponge A remedy especially marked in the symptoms of the respiratory organs, cough, croup, etc. Heart affections and often indicated for the tubercular diathesis. Children with fair…
SPIRAEA ULMARIA Hardhack Burning and pressure in śsophagus, feels contracted but not made worse by swallowing. Morbidly conscientious. Relieves irritation of the urinary passages; influences the prostate gland; checks gleet and…
SPIRANTHES AUTUMNALIS Lady's Tresses (SPIRANTHES) Has been used for milk-flow in nursing women, lumbago and rheumatism, colic, with drowsiness and spasmodic yawning. Is an anti-phlogistic remedy akin to Acon its…
SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA Pinkroot (SPIGELIA) Spigelia is an important remedy in pericarditis and other diseases of the heart, because the provings were conducted with the greatest regard for objective symptoms and…