Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Anal Warts

Anal warts, also known as condyloma acuminata, are warts that appear inside and around the anus. They may also affect the genital area. Anal warts usually start as tiny growths comparative to the size of a pin’s head. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight the HPV infection and bring about natural recovery in cases of anal warts. Thuja, Natrum Sulph, and Nitric Acid are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat anal warts.

Homeopathic Treatment of Anal Warts

The homeopathic system of medicine offers very effective treatment of anal warts. These medicines treat anal warts in a safe, gentle manner without any disease suppression or side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Warts

Thuja – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Anal Warts

Thuja is a natural homeopathic medicine for treating anal warts. It is prepared from the fresh green twigs of a plant named Thuja Occidentalis (also known as Arbor Vitae.) This plant belongs to the natural order Coniferae. Thuja is considered as the first line of treatment of anal and anogenital warts in homeopathy. The key features for using Thuja include large seedy, cauliflower-like, pedunculated warts. Warts may appear in crops or groups and may also tend to bleed. It is also indicated in cases of warts in the anogenital area that ooze moisture. Another indicating feature includes painful anal warts that are sore to touch. Males needing Thuja have warts that are usually red and present around the anus, prepuce, penis, scrotum, and perineum. These warts may constantly ooze a slimy discharge. In cases of women, Thuja is useful for warts present around the anus, vulva, vagina, and perineum. Warts in female genitalia may cause burning and shooting pains especially upon passing urine.

Natrum Sulph – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Anal Warts over Anus and Thighs

Natrum Sulph is a highly beneficial homeopathy remedy for warts that appear on thus anus and thighs. The cases requiring Natrum Sulph have red – colored anal warts. In males, soft fleshy warts arise on genitalia in addition to anus and thighs. Itching in the genitals may be present, and scratching may cause burning.

Nitric Acid – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Anal Warts that Bleed

Nitric Acid is an effective medicine for treating anal warts that tend to bleed. The key feature to use Nitric Acid in cases of anal warts is that warts tend to bleed upon touching. In some cases, washing the area triggers the bleeding. The anal warts are large sized, elevated and cauliflower-like in appearance. A sticking and pricking sensation in warts may be present. They may be sensitive and painful to touch. Nitric Acid is also well indicated for warts covering anal as well as genital organs both in males and females.

Causticum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Large, Pedunculated Anal Warts

Causticum is a natural homeopathic medicine for anal warts that are present over various body parts, including the anus. It is indicated to treat anal warts that are large, jagged, and pedunculated. Like Nitric Acid, homeopathic medicine Causticum is also given in cases of bleeding warts. It is also used to treat cases of anal warts that carry a tendency to exude moisture.

Medorrhinum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Small, Pedunculated Anal Warts

Medorrhinum is a natural, deep acting anti-psychotic medicine that helps treat various growths over the body including warts. It is a valuable medicine for small pedunculated warts. The top of the warts looks like pin-heads. The warts spread over the anus, genitals, and thighs.

Sabina – Natural Treatment for Itchy Anal Warts

Sabina is a plant remedy. It is prepared from young, fresh tops of the branches and oil of a plant Sabina Officinalis or Juniperus sabina. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Sabina is indicated for cases of anal warts that are itchy. The warts are present in anus and genitals. The itching in warts may be intense and intolerable. A burning sensation also appears with itching.

Sulphur – Natural Cure for Broad, Flat, Anal Warts

Sulphur is an effective remedy used in cases of broad, flat anal warts. The anus may be swollen and sore, and stitching pains may be present. Itching in the anus and perineum is present. The itching tends to worsen during the evening and the night. Stinging and burning in the anus may also be present.

Calcarea Carb – Homeopathic Remedy for Multiple Small Anal Warts

Calcarea Carb is indicated for multiple small warts around the anus. The warts have a round, soft base but are rough and hard on the surface. Flesh-Colored warts may have a horny appearance and tend to itch and bleed.

Hepar Sulph – Natural Remedy for Anal Warts with Pains

Use of homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulph is considered in cases of anal warts which are painful. The pain can be stitching or stinging in nature. The warts may also ulcerate.

Causes and Risk Factors of Anal Warts

Anal warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These mostly spread through sexual contact. However, they may also be transmitted by direct skin to skin contact with the anal or genital area or secretions from a sexual partner having HPV infection. Having multiple sex partners, having unprotected sex and anal intercourse are a few risk factors that contribute to anal warts.

If left untreated, anal warts tend to grow much larger and can develop a cauliflower-like appearance. They may cover the entire anal area. Anal warts may be flesh-colored, brown, yellow or pink colored. Anal warts may remain confined to only one spot around the anus or may spread to the entire anal and genital area. In females, the vulva, vagina, or cervix may be affected. In males, penis, scrotum, thighs, or groin may get involved along with the anal area.

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