Autumn is full of fruits and vegetables from which you can cook delicious meals that will lend you the required energy and will keep you satiated, but also will help reduce excess weight.


Breakfast: a piece of corn bread, low-fat cheese, fresh pepper

Snack: pear

Lunch: soup, pumpkin, two pieces of bread smeared with garlic

Snack: apple

Dinner: roast chicken, 150 g broccoli and cauliflower with two teaspoons of olive oil, salad bowl

زمَرد ۔۔۔۔ ایک حسین پتھر

زمرد کو ہندی میں پنّا، سنسکرت میں مرکت اور انگریزی میں (Emerald)ایمیرلڈ کہتے ہیں، اس کی چمک آنکھوں کو خیرہ کرتی ہے۔

تمام نباتات میں سبز رنگ کا غلبہ ہے، زمانۂِ قدیم ہی سے اس پتھر کا استعمال زیورات میں بڑی خوب صورتی اور نفاست کے ساتھ ہوتا آیا ہے۔ اس کی شہرت اس کے دیدہ زیب اور دل فریب سبز رنگ کی وجہ سے ہے تاہم اس میں سبز کے علاوہ اور بھی کئی رنگ پائے جاتے ہیں۔ اس کی7.5 Hardness ہے اوراس میںبیرلیئم، المونیئم اور سلیکا پائے جاتے

Foods That Help Improve Your Memory

Foods That Help Improve Your Memory

Forgot what you’re looking for? Bad with names? Writing down a lot of lists but then misplacing them? Like most people, you’re experiencing some memory loss—and growing older doesn’t help matters. Luckily, researchers all over the world are scouring the earth looking for ingredients that might organically improve human recall. Scan the menu of ingredients below and, if you make the right diet changes, you too could develop a champion’s memory.

Detox Through Your Feet

Detox baths are great for helping you to look and feel healthier. Foot detox is also a great idea to help revive tired feet.Particularly now since summer is officially in full swing, keeping your feet healthy is a must especially if you tend to go out in sandals, flip-flops or even barefoot.Nothing is more relaxing than a warm bath… except perhaps a relaxing warm detox bath that also helps cleanse the body.


Drink This Every Night-

This type of vinegar is full of revitalizing and antioxidant properties. You can use it to decrease your blood sugar, lose weight and improve the symptoms of diabetes. Acetic acid is the main ingredient of this type of vinegar that will help us eliminate all the bacteria in our intestines. It will also improve the digestion of proteins. In this way, our body will activate the stimulation of the growth hormone and we’ll break down fat cells faster.

Ending the era of dirty textiles

Sustainability has gained a lot of traction in the textile industry over the last few years. Purchase decisions are no longer only made on the basis of fashion and comfort. Consumers are increasingly demanding more eco-friendly textiles.

However, it is difficult for them to make well-informed choices. What exactly should one do when it comes to the use of natural resources such as water and land, production methods, emissions and the overall impact on the environment?

Many consumers don’t even know what the garments they wear are made from. They are not aware that synthetic fibres comprise two-thirds of the global fibre market of approximately 100 million tonnes of virgin fibres used in textiles, hygienic and cosmetic products. Most of the fibres such as polyester and polyamide originate from crude oil. Parts of these “plastic” fibres washed out in households or industrial cleaners turn up as microplastics in the oceans and harm fish and human beings. A large portion of the used clothing ends up in landfills or is incinerated.

What are the benefits of chamomile tea?

Chamomile tea has long been used, as a traditional folk remedy, for a wide range of health issues. Nowadays, researchers are increasingly exploring its effectiveness in managing illnesses, including cancer and diabetes.

So far, research into the potency of chamomile tea has shown promise. However, studies vary with some research proving clear benefits compared to alternative remedies, and others merely pointing to possible ones.

For most people, chamomile tea is safe to try as a supplement to other treatments, but it should not replace mainstream medical treatments when people have serious illnesses.



What do we take with us when we die? Do we take the grades we achieved while in schools and universities, the success we obtained in our workplace, the awards we got for excellence? Do our heavy pockets go with us? Do our memories follow us to the grave? Do our loved ones stay beside our grave for long?

Juicing for Weight Loss

The Benefits of Juicing for Weight Loss

Putting fresh fruits and vegetables through a juicer results in a densely colored, nutritionally rich liquid that gives you a wealth of health benefits. While juicing has gained attention as a way to lose weight, the truth is that including juicing in your weight loss effort does not guarantee success. However, juicing can be a healthful part of your diet and your life.

ہومیو پیتھی کا عالمی دن

صرف ہومیو پیتھی ہی آسان، سادہ، فطری، بے ضرر، ارزاں اور جامع طریقہ علاج ہے، جو بیمار کے معیار پر پورا اترتا اور اسے جلد، مکمل اور نرم طریق پر مستقل شفاء سے ہمکنار کرتا ہے۔

1796ء میں ڈاکٹر ہانیمن نے کہا کہ’ Similia Similibus Curentureor Let Likes Cured Bylike‘ یعنی جو مرض اِس وقت بیمار آدمی میں ہے، وہ اُسی وقت ٹھیک ہو سکتا ہے، جب اُسے ایسی دوا دی جائے جو اس سے پہلے ایک صحت مند انسان میں ویسا ہی ادویاتی مرض پیدا کر چکی ہو۔ اِس نظریہ کی اس قدر زیادہ مخالفت کی گئی کہ انھیں لیپسبرگ چھوڑ کر کواتھن ہجرت کرنا پڑی تاہم اس مرد حق نے باطل نظریات کے سامنے سر نہیں جھکایا۔

اب وہ وہاں اپنے نظریہ کے مطابق کامیاب پریکٹس کرنے لگے لیکن ایک مشکل اس نئے علاج میں یہ پیش آئی کہ بیماری تو ٹھیک ہوجاتی تھی لیکن دوا کے اثرات باقی رہ جاتے تھے۔ اس مشکل کو بھی انھوں نے بڑے صبر و تحمل سے اپنے تجربات کی روشنی میں حل کر دیا۔ انھوں نے ادویات کو بنانے کا ایک خاص طریقہ

BRAIN HEALTH TIP Make the Switch to Stevia

Discover the brain health–friendly sweetener that prevents blood sugar fluctuations and weight
If I told you that there is a white powdery substance that is extremely damaging to your brain,
you probably wouldn’t think I was talking about sugar. But shocking new research from the
School of Medical Sciences at the University of New South Wales, Australia, found that eating a
high-sugar diet for just 1 week is enough to cause memory impairment and brain inflammation.
According to the lead scientist, Margaret Morris, “What is so surprising about this research is the
speed with which the deterioration of the cognition occurred.”

BRAIN HEALTH : Pass on the Aspartame-Laden Foods and Beverages

Eliminate the artificial sweetener that has been linked to brain tumors and other brain health
Before you take another sip of that aspartame-laden diet soda or other “diet” food or beverage,
here are seven brain health reasons to rethink that drink .
1. Only 1 year after aspartame was approved by the FDA, its own task force learned that some
of the original data showcasing aspartame’s safety had been falsified to hide results showing
that animals fed aspartame had experienced seizures and developed brain tumors.4 The
artificial sweetener was never recalled. Aspartame has also been linked to the formation of
various types of cancer, including brain cancer.

Ways To Find Balance In Your Life

How many balls do you have in the air right now? Work, family commitments, bills… we juggle so much every single day it’s no wonder depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide with more than 300 million people suffering globally. So how can we cope? Click here for some practical tools to keep you sane in this crazy world…

1. Drink More Water

Dehydration is linked to depression and other mood disorders because 85% of the brain tissue is water. But how much is enough? It all depends on your weight, outside temperature and how much you exercise. The best way to tell if you’re drinking enough is the color of your urine, if it’s a pale yellow you are adequately hydrated but if it’s dark yellow start pounding the H20. Water quality is also an important factor, get yourself a good filter so your water source is clean and pure.

I Did Juices, Smoothies & Soups For A Week – Here’s What Happened!

I was looking to improve my general health and wellbeing and was feeling tired, bloated and heavy a lot of the time and it was even showing in my skin. I knew it was to do with some bad eating habits I’d developed from spending a lot of time in front of computers and giving in to the weekend temptations with lots of meals out with friends. Working at Food Matters, I know how to eat healthy, but sometimes I just don’t (we are all humans, right?), and I thought a great way to launch myself into a better routine would be through doing a full 7 day cleanse and starting with a blank slate, so to speak. I knew cleanses had the power to help you lose weight , improve digestion and get better sleep but I was cautious about starting a cleanse that would include extreme detoxing or starving myself, I love my food! A realistic and gentle cleanse was really what I needed because I didn’t want to subsist only on lemon juice or some other fad cleanse that could be hit or miss anyway. So James challenged me to complete the 7 Day Food Matters Cleanse. 

How Does Olive Oil Support Liver Cleansing?

Over 30 million people in the United States live with a liver-related health concern.[1] Typical Western diets filled with toxins like sugar and alcohol certainly don’t help. In fact, severe liver conditions like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are on the rise in the United States.[2] If your liver health isn’t where you want it to be, then you should know all the resources you have at your disposal.

Toxins and chemicals are the root cause of almost any serious health concern, and your liver is no different. Liver cleansing, when done correctly, can help flush the liver of accumulated bile, toxins, and chemicals. Additionally, relieving your liver of harmful organisms will help you maintain a healthy body and mind. While there are different variations of organic liver cleansing regimens, nearly all take advantage of one key component—olive oil.

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