Crohn’s Disease Best & Worst Foods
Foods that Keep Your Mind Young
BRAIN HEALTH TIP : Remove the Brain Toxin MSG
Eliminate the food additive that excites brain and nerve cells until they die.
MSG by any other name would still be as harmful. When most people hear the name
monosodium glutamate, or MSG, they immediately think of Chinese food. And while the
chemical is used in many Chinese food restaurants, this brain and nervous system toxin
masquerades under many different guises and even within many food additives.
Considering that MSG has been linked to many serious health conditions, including hormonal
imbalances, weight gain, brain damage, obesity, headaches, and more, you may be shocked to
learn how prevalent it is. MSG is almost always found in processed, prepared, and packaged
foods. Even when there is no sign of it on the label, it is still frequently hidden in many prepared
BRAIN HEALTH TIP : Replace Trans Fats with Brain-Healthy Choices
Switch from fats that cause brain inflammation to ones that protect your brain from damage.
Trans fats are harmful to every cell in your body, and especially to your brain. They do not
occur naturally, but rather are made in laboratories and manufacturing plants in which these oils
are heavily processed. This processing involves adding hydrogen atoms to a healthy fat to
saturate the fat molecule, thereby turning unsaturated oil into saturated oil. The result is a
hydrogenated fat, or trans fat—a type of fat that your body was never intended to ingest or
digest. These fats are industrial creations made to extend the shelf life of fats without regard for
the effect on human health. Even a few generations ago our ancestors were never exposed to
these brain toxins.
Eat Your Way to Brain Health
The research is clear: What you eat has a big impact on your brain. In fact, the right foods — and combinations of foods — can enhance memory, build new brain cells and even help ward off Alzheimer’s.
Scientists are increasingly examining whole food groups — and diets — to determine which ones contribute to better cognition and which seem to hinder it. They’ve found that certain eating plans — including the Mediterranean diet, the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a hybrid of the two, dubbed the MIND diet — can help stave off cognitive decline and protect the brain against disease. The MIND diet, developed by researchers at Rush University in Chicago, slashed the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by as much as 53 percent. (MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.) Even those who followed the diet moderately had a 35 percent lower risk of Alzheimer’s
Quarantined cruise ships, digital protests, mask hoarding: the latest on the Wuhan coronavirus
A new coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China, has global health agencies on high alert—and is causing no small amount of anxiety around the world. But for residents of the United States, there’s still no reason to panic. Here is everything experts know about the new virus, 2019-nCoV, so far. We’ll keep this article updated as more information comes available.
Colloquially known as the “Wuhan coronavirus” after the city where it is believed to have originated, the disease is still poorly understood. The first cases of 2019-nCoV appeared in December in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and likely came from some non-human animal host, though the exact animal and where it came into contact with humans has yet to be identified. Scientists have broadly criticized a recent study suggesting snakes might be the source. The latest claim from Chinese state media—that pangolins, which are frequently poached for their scales, could have passed the virus from bats to humans—lacks robust evidence as well.
Limiting Acidic Foods
Autumn is full of fruits and vegetables from which you can cook delicious meals that will lend you the required energy and will keep you satiated, but also will help reduce excess weight.
Breakfast: a piece of corn bread, low-fat cheese, fresh pepper
Snack: pear
Lunch: soup, pumpkin, two pieces of bread smeared with garlic
Snack: apple
Dinner: roast chicken, 150 g broccoli and cauliflower with two teaspoons of olive oil, salad bowl
Foods That Help Improve Your Memory
Foods That Help Improve Your Memory
Drink This Every Night-
This type of vinegar is full of revitalizing and antioxidant properties. You can use it to decrease your blood sugar, lose weight and improve the symptoms of diabetes. Acetic acid is the main ingredient of this type of vinegar that will help us eliminate all the bacteria in our intestines. It will also improve the digestion of proteins. In this way, our body will activate the stimulation of the growth hormone and we’ll break down fat cells faster.
What are the benefits of chamomile tea?
So far, research into the potency of chamomile tea has shown promise. However, studies vary with some research proving clear benefits compared to alternative remedies, and others merely pointing to possible ones.
For most people, chamomile tea is safe to try as a supplement to other treatments, but it should not replace mainstream medical treatments when people have serious illnesses.
Juicing for Weight Loss
The Benefits of Juicing for Weight Loss
BRAIN HEALTH TIP Make the Switch to Stevia
Discover the brain health–friendly sweetener that prevents blood sugar fluctuations and weight
If I told you that there is a white powdery substance that is extremely damaging to your brain,
you probably wouldn’t think I was talking about sugar. But shocking new research from the
School of Medical Sciences at the University of New South Wales, Australia, found that eating a
high-sugar diet for just 1 week is enough to cause memory impairment and brain inflammation.
According to the lead scientist, Margaret Morris, “What is so surprising about this research is the
speed with which the deterioration of the cognition occurred.”
BRAIN HEALTH : Pass on the Aspartame-Laden Foods and Beverages
Eliminate the artificial sweetener that has been linked to brain tumors and other brain health
Before you take another sip of that aspartame-laden diet soda or other “diet” food or beverage,
here are seven brain health reasons to rethink that drink.
1. Only 1 year after aspartame was approved by the FDA, its own task force learned that some
of the original data showcasing aspartame’s safety had been falsified to hide results showing
that animals fed aspartame had experienced seizures and developed brain tumors.4 The
artificial sweetener was never recalled. Aspartame has also been linked to the formation of
various types of cancer, including brain cancer.