NITRIC ACID Great general weakness; feeble reaction; extreme sensitivity, and nervous trembling, are marked features in this remedy. Patients greatly broken by long suffering, pain and sickness, physical more than…


SPIGELIA ANTHELMINTICA Spigelia is especially known by its pains. It is indicated in persons who are debilitated from taking cold and who have become rheumatic, run down, victims of pain.…


LYCOPODIUM Lycopodium is an antipsoric, anti-syphilitic and anti-sycotic, and its sphere is broad and deep. Though classed among the inert substances, and thought to be useful only for rolling up…


OXALIC ACID This remedy has been greatly neglected. It will cure many heart complaints that are treated with vague, crude, unproved remedies with indifferent results. The violent action upon the…


SQUILLA Squilla was given in the olden times by the old school in all lung, bronchial, and kidney affections; pneumonia, asthma, scanty urine and dropsical affections. Cough: Has a loose…


CADMIUM SULPHURICUM Cadmium sulph. has been only partially proved, so that only a limited amount of information can be given concerning it. A medicine may be said to be thoroughly…


CISTUS CANADENSIS. CISTUS CANADENSIS  is an antipsoric, a deep-acting remedy. It runs very close to Calcarca, but is milder in its action. It has the same exhaustion from exertion, dyspnoea,…


FLUORIC ACID It takes a long time for this remedy, in the proving, to develop its symptoms. It is a very deep-acting medicine, and an antipsoric, anti-syphilitic and anti-sycotic. It…


CALADIUM Caladium is a wonderful remedy; perhaps some of you have read it endeavoring to understand it; it is a difficult medicine to understand, because it is quite evident from…


GELSEMIUM If you will observe the weather conditions in sharp climates, -such as Minnesota, Massachusetts and Canada, you will find that the cold spells are very intense and that people,…


CAMPHOR The camphor bottle is a great mischief in the house, as camphor antidotes most of our remedies. Camphor in potentized form will cure many complaints. It is suitable in…


CANTHARIS The most important feature of this medicine is the inflammatory condition, and the most important characteristic in the inflammation is the rapidity with which it develops into a gangrenous…


CAPSICUM Most of the substances that are used on the table as seasoning in foods will in the course of a generation or two be very useful medicines, because people…


COFFEA This drug is characterized by a general sensitivity. Sensitiveness of vision, of hearing, of smell, of touch; sensitiveness to pain. It is most astonishing sometimes about this great sensitiveness.…


CHELIDONIUM Chelidonium is a remedy more suitable for acute diseases, though it cures certain chronic conditions. It is not a very deep acting remedy. It is about like Bryonia in…