MAGNESIA CARBONICA This remedy has only been partially proved, and comes to us now as Hahnemann left it. The mental symptoms and symptoms of some portions of the body and…


PHOSPHORIC ACID "Mental enfeeblement" is the thought that will come into the mind when considering what the Phosphoric acid patient says, does and looks. The mind seems tired. When questioned…


STAPHISAGRIA The mental symptoms are very important, and the impressions nude upon the mind and thence upon the body guide to Staphisagria as a remedy. Excitable, easily aroused to anger,…


MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA Magnesia phos. is best known for its spasmodic conditions and neuralgias. The pains are very violent and may affect any nerve. A pain localizes itself in a nerve…


PHYTOLACCA This is a very imperfectly proved remedy, and it is only possible to present fragments of it. The mental symptoms have not been brought out, but the remedy has…


THERIDION Hysterical sensitivity with extreme aggravation from noise, motion and exertion marks this remedy as unique. The pains are aggravated from noise, and motion, and the nerves are in such…


MAGNESIA MURIATICA It would seem rather strange that the two remedies to which Hahnemann gave such a good start by proving and use should be so neglected and forgotten as…


PICRIC ACID. The weakness of body and mind is the first impression wrought upon the mind of the reader who goes carefully over this proving. It is progressive, passing from…


SULPHURIC ACID The sensation of quivering all over the body and in the limbs without visible trembling is a very strong symptom of Sulphuric acid, and especially if it is…


GRATIOLA It is a great remedy for nervous prostration; marked lassitude, with mental and bodily weakness. It is closely related to Coffea and Nux vomica and especially useful for the…


MANGANUM Manganum is pre-eminently a drug that causes a species of chlorosis, and it is suitable for chlorotic girls, in broken down 'constitutions, waxy, anaemic, pallid, sickly, threatening phthisis, with…


PLATINUM The Platinum proving represents the woman's mind perverted. It is especially suited to hysterical women such as have undergone fright, prolonged excitement, or from disappointment, shock, or prolonged haemorrhages.…


GUAIACUM This is a very deep acting remedy, even deep enough to cure the symptoms of and turn into order a constitution that is rheumatic, gouty, and has inherited phthisis.…