SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS Soap Root (SAPONARIA) Of great use in the treatment of acute colds, coryza, sore throat, etc. Will often "break up" a cold. Mind.--Utter indifference to pain or possible…


SANTONINUM Santonin Is the active principle of Santonica, the unexpanded flower heads of Artemisia Maritima-Cina, which see. The eye symptoms and those of the urinary tract are most prominent. It is…


SANGUINARINUM NITRICUM Nitrate of Sanguinarine (SANGUINARINA NITRICA) Is of use in polypus of the nose. Acute and chronic catarrh. Acute pharyngitis (Wyethia) Smarting and burning in throat and chest especially…


SANICULA AQUA The Water of Sanicula Springs, Ottawa, I11 (SANICULA) Has been found a useful remedy in enuresis, seasickness, constipation, etc. Rickets. Head.--Dread of downward motion (Borax). Profuse sweat on occiput and…


SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS Blood Root (SANGUINARIA) Is a right-sided remedy pre-eminently, and affects chiefly the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract. It has marked vaso-motor disturbances, as seen in the…


SAMBUCUS NIGRA Elder Acts especially on the respiratory organs. Dry coryza of infants, snuffles, śdematous swellings. Profuse sweat accompanies many affections. Mind.--Sees images when shutting eyes. Constant fretfulness. Very easily frightened. Fright followed…


SALVIA OFFICINALIS Sage Controls excessive sweating when circulation is enfeebled; of less use in phthisis with night-sweats and suffocating tickling cough. Galactorrhœa. Exerts a tonic influence on the skin. Respiratory.--Tickling cough, especially…


SALIX NIGRA Black-willow Has a positive action on the generative organs of both sexes Hysteria and nervousness. Libidinous thoughts and lascivious dreams. Controls genital irritability. Moderates sexual passion. Satyriasis and…


ALICYLICUM ACIDUM Salicylic Acid The symptoms point to its use in rheumatism, dyspepsia, and Meniere's disease. Prostration after influenza; also tinnitus aurium and deafness. Hćmaturia. Head.--Vertigo; tendency to fall to left…


SACCHARUM OFFICINALE Cane-sugar (SUCROSE) According to the great Dr. Hering, a large proportion of chronic diseases of women and children are developed by using too much sugar. Sugar is an…

Evidence That Homeopathy Works

Evidence That Homeopathy Works There is actually a lot more scientific evidence that homeopathic medicines work than most people realize. There is certainly strong evidence that homeopathic medicines are more…

Why Homeopathy Makes Sense

Why Homeopathy Makes Sense Homeopathy's principle of similars makes a profound contribution to understanding healing, because inherent in this principle is a deep respect for the wisdom of the human…

What Is Homeopathy, Anyway?

What Is Homeopathy, Anyway? Primary Assumption: Respecting the Wisdom of the Human Body The basic assumption behind homeopathy is that symptoms of illness are not simply something “wrong” with the…


SABINA Savine Has a special action on the uterus; also upon serous and fibrous membranes; hence its use in gout. Pain from sacrum to the pubis. Hæmorrhages, where blood is fluid…