KALI BICHROMICUM This remedy is recognized by most physicians by the copious ropy mucous discharges from all mucous membranes, but it is also a most important remedy in rheumatic affections…
NATRUM ARSENICOSUM The symptoms of this remedy appear in the daytime, in the MORNING, in the forenoon, evening, night and after MIDNIGHT. The symptoms are worse in the cold air,…
SANGUINARIA Blood root is an old domestic remedy. A great many eastern farmers' wives will not go into the winter without blood root in the house. In the cold winter…
NATRUM CARBONICUM Proved by Hahnemann, Hering and others. Persons who are in the habit of taking carbonate of soda for sour stomach get a proving of this remedy. I have…
SARSAPARILLA Sarsaparilla is suitable in low forms of chronic disease, especially in complex states resulting from mixed miasms; especially in cases of sycosis and syphilis ; cases made complex by…
KALI IODATUM This remedy is an antipsoric and antisyphilitic. It has been used very extensively by the old school as an antisyphilitic, but in the very large doses which they…
NATRUM MURIATICUM NATRUM MURIATICUM Salt is so common an article of diet that it has been assumed that it could be of no use in medicine. This is only the…
SELENIUM Marked mental and physical weakness following prolonged fevers, after sexual excesses, from secret vice, from exposure to the heat of the sun in summer. Great fatigue from which he…
KALI PHOSPHORICUM The symptoms of this remedy are worse morning, evening, and during the night. The over-sensitive, nervous, delicate person, worn out from long suffering, much sorrow and vexation, and…
NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM We are not dependent upon Schuessler alone for indications for this remedy, as we have many pathogenetic symptoms. Schuessler's indications were good and mostly confirmed by clinical…
KALI SULPHURICUM Two very deep acting remedies unite to form this one. It was left to Schuessler to show its first curative powers. Dewey's work on the "Tissue Remedies" gives…
NATRUM SULPHURICUM This is one of our most frequently indicated constitutional remedies. The symptoms appear in the morning, evening and during the night, especially before midnight. Some symptoms are better…
SILICA The action of Silica is slow. In the proving, it takes a long time to develop the symptoms. It is, therefore, suited to complaints that develop slowly. At certain…