ARALIA RACEMOSA –American Spikenard

   ARALIA RACEMOSA American Spikenard This is a remedy for asthmatic conditions, with cough aggravated on lying down. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to draughts. Diarrhśa, prolapse of rectum. Aching…


ANANTHERUM MURICATUM Cuscus-An East Indian Grass (ANATHERUM) A skin remedy of high order. Painful swelling of various parts, going on to suppuration. Glandular inflammation. Head.--Pains pierce brain like pointed arrows;…


AQUILEGIA VULGARIS Columbine (AQUILEGIA) A remedy for hysteria. Globus and clavus hystericus. Women at climaxis, with vomiting of green substance, especially in the morning. Sleeplessness. Nervous trembling of body; sensitive to…


ANEMOPSIS CALIFORNICA Yerba Mansa-Household Herb A mucous membrane medicine. Chronic forms of inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane with considerable relaxation and profuse discharge. Chief value in catarrhal states, with full stuffy…


ARGENTUM METALLICUM Silver Emaciation, a gradual drying up, desire for fresh air, dyspnœa, sensation of expansion and left-sided pains are characteristic. The chief action is centered on the articulations and…


ARAGALLUS LAMBERTI White Loco Weed-Rattle Weed Acts principally on nervous system, producing a bewildered, confused state. Symptoms of incoordination and paralysis. Locomotor ataxia. Tired in the morning. Mind.--Great depression; worse…

ANGUSTURA VERA — Bark of Galipea Cusparia

ANGUSTURA VERA Bark of Galipea Cusparia Rheumatic and paralytic complaints-great difficulty in walking. Crackling in all joints. The greatest craving for coffee is a characteristic symptom. Caries of long bones.…


ARGEMONE MEXICANA Prickly Poppy Colicky cramp and spasm of bowels. Painful neuro-muscular conditions, preventing sleep. Rheumatic disease associated with Bright's disease (D. MacFarlan). Head.--Throbbing headache in eyes and temples. Head…


ANHALONIUM LEWINII Mescal Button (ANHALONIUM) Mescal is a strong intoxicating spirit distilled from Pulque fuerte. Pulque is made from the Agave Americana of Mexico, locally known as Maguey and is the…


ARISTOLOCHIA MILHOMENS Brazilian Snake Root Stitching pains in various parts. Pain in heels, burning in anus and frequent irritation. Flatulence in stomach and abdomen. Pain in back and extremities. Stiffness…


ARANEA DIADEMA Papal-Cross Spider All spider poisons powerfully affect the nervous system (See tarentula, Mygale, etc). All symptoms of Aranea are characterized by periodicity, and coldness, and great susceptibility to dampness.…

AMMONIUM IODATUM– Iodide of Ammonia

AMMONIUM IODATUM Iodide of Ammonia (AMMONIUM JODATUM) Indicated when iodine has but partially relieved its cases of laryngitis and bronchitis, catarrhal pneumonia, śdema of lungs. Head.--Dull headache, especially in young…


ANILINUM Coal Tar Product-Amidobenzene Marked giddiness and pain in head; face has a purple hue. Pain in penis and scrotum with swelling. Tumors of the urinary passages. Profound anćmia with discoloration of…


ARGENTUM NITRICUM Nitrate of Silver In this drug the neurotic effects are very marked, many brain and spinal symptoms presenting; themselves which give certain indications for its homeopathic employment. Symptoms…


ARBUTUS ANDRACHNE Strawberry Tree A remedy for eczema associated with gouty and rheumatic symptoms. Arthritis; especially larger joints. Urine rendered more clear. Lumbago. Symptoms shift from skin to joints. Vesical…