Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial Asthma

Do you often fall short of breath?

Are you tired of frequent episodes of coughing

Can you hear noises from your chest when you breathe deeply or cough?


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that Causes hyperreactivity of the airways of lungs leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.

Asthma is common and prevalent worldwide. There is no age bar for it, but nearly 50% of cases develop before the age of 10 years and mostly before age 30.

According to the World Health Organization, it is currently affecting 235 million people approximately worldwide.



  • Cough, mostly at night
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Tightness of chest
  • Wheezing or whistling sounds from chest
  • Bluish discoloration of lips and face(in severe cases)
  • Rapid pulse(in severe cases)



If not treated, Bronchial Asthma can complicate into:

  • Underperformance and fatigue at school, work or in recreational occupations.
  • Absenteeism
  • Anxiety, Depression and stress
  • Pneumonia
  • Collapse of a section of the lung
  • Respiratory failure

Every now and then, we hear about people being hypersensitive to different kinds of substances like pollen, dust, perfumes, house mites, humid weather, cold foods, etc. And with increase in the level of air pollution, coupled with bad lifestyle habits, it is easy to succumb to different allergies including the distressing disease of Asthma.

Asthma induces a state of panic in most people and they tend to look for instant relief. In the bargain, all they get is a temporary respite and permanent dependence on the inhaler.

Most cases of Asthma are likely to appear during childhood, but can be even seen in older age. The severity and intensity of Asthma too, varies from person to person. Some may experience only mild symptoms while others may have acutely intense manifestations. A severe asthmatic attack, if not adequately treated can be life threatening resulting into death.

Despite remarkable advancements in diagnosis and management of diseases, effective therapeutic intervention for permanent relief from Asthma is yet elusive in most medical treatment modes. Treatments offered usually cater to only short-lived relief and not prevention of recurrence.

Homeopathic, being a tailor-made individualistic therapeutic modality has the potential scope in treating this disease by giving immense relief from acute and recurrent attacks of cough and wheezing in Asthma. Its individualistic approach will boost the immunity and thereby reduce the severity and recurrence of attacks.

It will also help the individual to resume his/ her daily activities and will definitely reduce the dependency on inhalers and bronchodilators.


The severity of asthma varies from mild to severe and it is a chronic disease. An asthma attack is actually an acute exacerbation of the disease. When an attack is not there, it does not mean that Asthma is not there. The symptoms of Asthma consist of a triad of Dyspnea, Wheezing and Cough.

Symptoms of Asthma include:

  • Cough: Cough can be productive or dry, and is especially seen in early morning and at night.
  • Breathlessness: Difficulty in breathing due to mucous plugging and airway spasm is worse by any physical activity like climbing stairs.
  • Chest tightness: Tightness of chest or pain in chest is present along with other symptoms of asthma.
  • Wheezing: Wheezing is an abnormal whistling sound due to difficult respiration. Wheezing is more commonly seen in children than adults.

Symptoms of Asthma in severe cases include:

  • Bluish discoloration of lips and face with nasal flaring
  • Rapid pulse
  • Sweating
  • Decreased level of consciousness

In severe attacks, the accessory muscles (sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles of the neck) become visibly active and in extreme situations, patient may begin a gasping type of respiratory pattern.

Less typically, a patient with asthma may complain of intermittent episodes of non-productive cough or breathlessness on exertion. Children most often experience these symptoms of Asthma and they tend to interfere in daily activities, sports and games.

Asthma is a remitting and relapsing disease with non-symptomatic episodes in between attacks.

Usually, the obstruction in the airways is reversible, but if not treated well in time or with right medication, complications of Asthma can occur like:

  • Status asthmaticus or a sustained state of Asthma if obstruction remains for days and weeks and fails to respond to treatment.
  • Pneumonia or infection in the lungs by bacteria or viruses.
  • Atelectasis or collapse of a section of the lung can happen if there is excessive mucosal blockage in a smaller airway.
  • Respiratory failure, where the levels of oxygen in the blood become dangerously low, or the levels of carbon dioxide become dangerously high.
  • Underperformance and fatigue at school, work or in recreational occupations is among the commonest complications of Asthma.
  • Absenteeism from workplace.
  • Anxiety, Depression and stress, because of the Asthma preventing optimum working and healthy living.

It is believed that Asthma occurs through a combination of genetic factors and environmental exposure to allergens and irritants.

Genetics: Family history of the condition is one of the most important causes of Asthma. It is generally seen that children of asthmatic parents have a much higher chance of being asthmatic.

Chances of Asthma are also high when there is family history of allergic diseases such as Rhinitis, Urticaria and Eczema.

Environmental factors: Substances such as dust, mites, feathers, pollen, molds, pet dander, etc. are leading causes of Asthma. They are known as “triggers” and “allergens” since they kick start the allergic reaction in Asthma.

Seasonal: Exposure to dry wind, cold air, or sudden changes in weather can exacerbate an asthmatic episode, especially in children.

Aspirin and other related substances: Ingestion of aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents can worsen Asthma.

Air pollutants: Some people show symptoms when exposed to environmental conditions containing increased concentration of airborne pollutants like smoke, strong fumes or odors like household sprays, paint, and gasoline.

Occupational Asthma: Air pollution due to industries from various sources like coal mining, gold mining, cotton textile industries, fumes from welding, gases, etc. is among the rising causes of Asthma.

Infections: The most common stimuli that evoke acute exacerbations of asthma are respiratory infections brought on by different viruses. Infections are major causes of Asthma.

Exercise: Physical exertion can evoke or worsen asthma attacks. Inhalation of cold air during physical exertion adds on to the asthmatic response.

Food preservatives: Causes of Asthma also include sulfites and preservatives added to some types of foods and beverages.

Emotional stress: Severe psychological factors like mental stress, fear or anxiety can worsen the disease progress.


  • Homeopathy has more than 100 preventive and curative medicines in Treatment For Bronchial Asthma that works very well for patients of all ages.
  • Every remedy is carefully prescribed on the basis of the patient’s history and the correct homeopathic medicine can prevent spread of infection and unnecessary complications.
  • Homeopathic Treatment For Bronchial Asthma is very subtle and gentle and brings immense relief to the patient without causing any side-effects.

Few of our amazing remedies include:

  • Rumex: This remedy suits patients who have dry teasing cough initially, followed by stringy cough. Complaints increase on talking, by pressure and taking in cold air.
  • Kali bichromicum: One of the best choices when the character of cough is yellow, stringy and sticky mucus. Complaints are worse in the morning.
  • Natrum sulphuricum: Asthma aggravates in rainy season or in moist conditions. Must hold the chest while coughing
  • Aralia diadema: Dry cough, choking sensation, attack comes on after first sleep, worse lying down.

Homeopathy is a natural system of medicines that utilizes minute doses of well-researched remedies to enhance the body’s natural healing process. Homeopathic treatment for Asthma treats the patient as a whole through promotion of inner balance at mind, emotional and spiritual level by raising the quality of immunity.

  • Homeopathic treatment for Asthma believes in prescribing for the individual in disease rather than just the disease in individual. The complete physical and emotional make-up is considered while making a prescription.
  • Homeopathic treatment for Asthma targets the immune system and modifies the hypersensitive response of the lungs so that breathlessness and excess mucous discharge does not occur. This not only reduces severity of the attack, but helps to prevent further attacks.
  • In Acute stage of disease, homeopathic treatment for Asthma can provide quick relief to the patient from dry irritating cough and breathlessness.
  • Different manifestations of the disease are treated with different medicines in homeopathic treatment for Asthma depending on the characteristics of the patient. For e.g.
    • Rumex: This remedy suits patients in homeopathic treatment for Asthma who have dry teasing cough initially, followed by stringy cough. Complaints increase on talking, by pressure and taking in cold air.
    • Kali bichromicum: One of the best choices in homeopathic treatment for Asthma when the character of cough is yellow, stringy and sticky mucus. Complaints are worse in the morning.
    • Natrum sulphuricum: Indicated in homeopathic treatment for Asthma aggravates in rainy season or in moist conditions. Must hold the chest while coughing
    • Aralia diadema: Dry cough, choking sensation, attack comes on after first sleep, worse lying down.

There are more than 300 remedies in homeopathic treatment for Asthma of both, acute and chronic variety, as well as its various stages. The sooner treatment is begun, the better are the outcomes.

SNEEZING, Asthma, with: 1Gink, 1Lach, 1Pect, 1Ros-ca-a, 1Sil

ASTHMA: 1Agath-a, 1Ail, 1Alco, 1All-c, 1Ambro, 1Aml-n, 1Ant-t, 4ARAL, “3Ars, 3Ars-i, 1Arum-t, 1Bac, 3bad, 3bell, 1bomb-pr, 1calad, 4calc, 1calc-f, 1camph, 1cand-a, 3carb-v, 1carc, 1caust, 1cer-o, 3chin, 1chin-ar, 1chlor, 1cist, 1cordys-s, 1cycl, 3dulc, 1eucal, 1euph, 1euph-pi, 3euphr, 3excr-can, 1gall-ac, 3gels, 1gink, 3glyc-g, 1grin, 1haliae-lc, 4hep, 1hera, 1holm-o, 1hydr-ac, 4ictod, 4iod, 3ip, 1kali-bi, 1kali-c, 1kali-fcy, 3kali-i, 3kali-p, 1kali-s-chr, 3lach, 1linu-u, 3lob, 1lob-p, 1lycpr, 1mang, 1med, 1mosch, 3naja, 1naphtin, 3nat-ar, 1nat-c, 1nat-m, 3nat-s, 1nuph, 3nux-v, 1ol-an, 3op, 1oxyg, 1pect, 1phle, 3phos, 1plb, 2plut, 1psor, 3puls, 1queb, 1ros-ca-a, 1ros-d, 3sabad, 3sang, 1sep, 4sil, 3sin-n, 3stict, 1succ, 1sul-i, 4sulph, 1ter, 1thul-p, 1tub

ASTHMA, Miner’s asthma, from coal dust: 1Carbn-s, 1Card-m, 3Nat-ar, 1Sil, 1Sulph

ANGER, Asthma, with: 1Arn, 1Ars, 1Carc, 2Cham, 1Manc, 1Nux-v, 1Pitu-a


The remedy abbreviations with

  • 4 marks- most effective,
  • 3 marks- quite effective,
  • 2 marks- less effective,
  • 1 mark- least effective.



  • Make sure that proper hygiene is maintained to prevent infections.
  • Keep your house as clean as possible and free from dust and pet dander.
  • If you live in damp climate, use a dehumidifier at home.
  • Use a face mask to prevent irritants entering your respiratory system.
  • Perform deep breathing exercises like blowing into a balloon to improve your lung function (Please consult a qualified medical expert before performing any breathing exercises).


  • Avoid smoking, especially during pregnancy and after birth as it can affect the baby and increase risk of Childhood Asthma .
  • Avoid cold food and drinks and also refrain from consuming foods that have artificial colors.
  • Avoid long-term or persistent exposure to products with strong odors and chemicals which act as irritants, possibly causing exacerbations. Examples are paints, vehicular fumes, insecticides, perfumes, sprays, etc.
  • Do not stop or consume any medications without the consent of your doctor.
  • Have plenty of dark green, leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and seeds.
  • Avoid food with artificial colors, or any preservatives.
  • Increase intake of Omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts, beans, flaxseeds, fish oils, etc. as they are instrumental in easing inflammation of airways.
  • Have plenty of avocadoes as it contains a compound called glutathione, which helps to detoxify allergens.
  • Having one banana or apple every day has been seen in many research studies lowers the chances of developing Asthma .
  • Garlic helps to lower asthma attacks as it inhibits activity of certain enzymes that generate inflammatory substances.
  • Certain foods, such as chocolates, carbonated beverages, fatty foods, caffeine, mint, spicy foods and onions should be restricted.
  • Dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt and even creamy soups, cheesecake, pizza should be had in strictly moderated quantities.
  • Avoid citrus fruits like oranges, nectarines, grapefruit, lemons and limes.
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by "Bronchial Asthma "and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date.

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We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered’ incurable ‘ on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the medicines mentioned in the posts ,including  services mentioned at "" should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider.

Testimonials Disclaimer– : Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. The testimonials are real, and these patients have been treated with homeopathy treatment from our clinic . However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, Medicine can do with their disease contions and should not be taken as average or typical results.


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