CYCLAMEN Aversion to motion, yet motion ameliorates her pain and uneasiness. Aversion to the open air, yet open air ameliorates some symptoms, especially the coryza and cough. The marked dullness of…
CROTALUS HORRIDUS (RATTLESNAKE) first impression would be to rebel against the use of such substances as Crotalus, Lachesis, Apis and other animal poisons, and it is true that the lay…
COLOCYNTH The principal feature of Colocynth is its severe, tearing, neuralgic pains; so severe that the patient is unable to keep still. Sometimes they are by motion at least it…
COLCHICUM COLCHICUM is rather singular that traditional medicine used Colchicum so much for gout. In all the old books it was recommended for this malady. The provings corroborate the fact…
COFFEA This drug is characterized by a general sensitivity. Sensitiveness of vision, of hearing, of smell, of touch; sensitiveness to pain. It is most astonishing sometimes about this great sensitiveness.…
CISTUS CANADENSIS. CISTUS CANADENSIS is an antipsoric, a deep-acting remedy. It runs very close to Calcarca, but is milder in its action. It has the same exhaustion from exertion, dyspnoea,…
CINCHONA Now we shall take up the study of Cinchona, or China. Persons who have suffered much from neuralgias due to malarial influences, who have become anaemic and sickly from…
CINA Cina is pre-eminently a child's remedy, but it is suitable for conditions in adults that are seldom thought of. A marked feature running through is touchiness, mental and physical.…
CHROMICUM ACIDUM Chromic Acid Diphtheria, post-nasal tumors, and epithelioma of the tongue have been benefited by this drug. Bloody, foul-smelling lochia. Symptoms come and go suddenly, and return periodically; offensive…
CHLOROFORMIUM Chloroform (CHLOROFORMUM) General anaesthetic, antispasmodic. Complete muscular relaxation. Weak and quick pulse, shallow or stertorous breathing. Convulsions, nephritic or biliary colic, gastralgia. Symptoms obtained by Dr. D. Macfarlan with…
Natural Homeopathic Remedies for High Uric Acid Treatment Homeopathic medicine for uric acid helps lower the levels of uric acid in the body and also treats the body’s chronic tendency…
CHELIDONIUM Chelidonium is a remedy more suitable for acute diseases, though it cures certain chronic conditions. It is not a very deep acting remedy. It is about like Bryonia in…
CAPSICUM Most of the substances that are used on the table as seasoning in foods will in the course of a generation or two be very useful medicines, because people…
CANTHARIS The most important feature of this medicine is the inflammatory condition, and the most important characteristic in the inflammation is the rapidity with which it develops into a gangrenous…
CAMPHOR The camphor bottle is a great mischief in the house, as camphor antidotes most of our remedies. Camphor in potentized form will cure many complaints. It is suitable in…