Abacavir and lamivudine

Abacavir and lamivudine: Drug information Copyright 1978-2011 Lexicomp, Inc. All rights reserved. (For additional information see "Abacavir and lamivudine: Patient drug information" and see "Abacavir and lamivudine: Pediatric drug information")…


VALERIAN This remedy cures many nervous and hysterical phenomena in excitable women and children, and the complaints of the hypochondriac. Great nervous excitability, exaltation, hysterical contractures, trembling, palpitation, sense of…


TUBERCULINUM BOVINUM I want to take up the study of Tuberculinum. The preparation which I use is a little different from that which is generally found in the market. This…

Breast cancer screening

Breast cancer screening Author Suzanne W Fletcher, MD Section Editor Julie R Gralow, MD Deputy Editor H Nancy Sokol, MD Disclosures INTRODUCTION — Breast cancer screening includes tests to detect…


SULPHURIC ACID The sensation of quivering all over the body and in the limbs without visible trembling is a very strong symptom of Sulphuric acid, and especially if it is…


THERIDION Hysterical sensitivity with extreme aggravation from noise, motion and exertion marks this remedy as unique. The pains are aggravated from noise, and motion, and the nerves are in such…


STAPHISAGRIA The mental symptoms are very important, and the impressions nude upon the mind and thence upon the body guide to Staphisagria as a remedy. Excitable, easily aroused to anger,…


SQUILLA Squilla was given in the olden times by the old school in all lung, bronchial, and kidney affections; pneumonia, asthma, scanty urine and dropsical affections. Cough: Has a loose…


SPIGELIA ANTHELMINTICA Spigelia is especially known by its pains. It is indicated in persons who are debilitated from taking cold and who have become rheumatic, run down, victims of pain.…


SILICA The action of Silica is slow. In the proving, it takes a long time to develop the symptoms. It is, therefore, suited to complaints that develop slowly. At certain…


SEPIA Sepia is suited to tall, slim women with narrow pelvis and lax fibers and muscles; such a woman is not well built as a woman. A woman who has…


SELENIUM Marked mental and physical weakness following prolonged fevers, after sexual excesses, from secret vice, from exposure to the heat of the sun in summer. Great fatigue from which he…


SARSAPARILLA Sarsaparilla is suitable in low forms of chronic disease, especially in complex states resulting from mixed miasms; especially in cases of sycosis and syphilis ; cases made complex by…