LAPPA ARCTIUM Burdock Very important in skin therapeutics. Eruptions on the head, face, and neck; pimples; acne. Styes and ulcerations on the edge of the eyelids. Profuse and frequent urination.…
LATRODECTUS MACTANS Spider The bite produces tetanic effects that last several days. A picture of Angina pectoris is presented by the action of the drug. The præcordial region seems to be the…
LAMIUM ALBUM White Nettle (LAMIUM) Has a special affinity for female and urinary organs. Headache, with backward and forward motion of head. Leucorrhœa and menses too early and scanty. Hæmorrhoids; hard…
LACTUCA VIROSA Acrid Lettuce This remedy acts principally upon the brain and circulatory system. Delirium tremens with sleeplessness, coldness, and tremor. Hydrothorax and ascites. Impotence. Sense of lightness and tightness affecting whole…
LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA Spirit-weed (LACHNANTHES) Head, chest and circulation are affected. Bridge of nose as if pinched. A remedy for torticollis, rheumatic symptoms about neck. Tuberculosis-light-complexioned people. Early stages, and established chest…
LACHESIS MUTUS Bushmaster or Surucucu (LACHESIS) Like all snake poisons, Lachesis decomposes the blood, rendering it more fluid; hence a hćmorrhagic tendency is marked. Purpura, septic states, diphtheria, and other…
LAC VACCINUM DEFLORATUM Skimmed Milk (LAC DEFLORATUM) A remedy for diseases with faulty nutrition; sick headaches, with profuse flow of urine during pain. Car sickness. Head.--Despondent. Pain begins in forehead to occiput, in…
LAC CANINUM Dog's Milk This remedy is of undoubted value in certain form of sore throat and diphtheria, and rheumatism. Corresponds to a low-vitiated, non-feverish type of sickness. The keynote…
LACTICUM ACIDUM Lactic Acid Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheumatism offer a field for this remedy. Troubles in the breasts. Locally, in the tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords. Stomach.--Tongue dry, parched. Thirst; voracious…
KALIUM CYANATUM Potassium Cyanide (KALI CYANATUM) Sudden sinking sensation. Cancer of tongue and agonizing neuralgia have been benefited by this drug. Sick headache; sciatica; epilepsy. Tongue.--Ulcer of tongue, with indurated…
KREOSOTUM Beechwood Kreosote Kreosotum is a mixture of phenols obtained from this distillation. Pulsations all over the body, and profuse bleeding from small wounds. Very severe, old neuralgic affections; pains…
KOUSSO Hagenia Abyssinica (KOUSSO - BRAYERA) A Vermifuge-Nausea and vomiting, vertigo, prćcordial anxiety slowing and irregular pulse, subdelirium and collapse. Rapid and extreme prostration. To expel tapeworm. Dose.--1/2 oz. Mix with…
KOLA Kola-nut (STERCULIA) Neurasthenia. Regulates the circulation, is tonic and anti-diarrheic, regulates cardiac rhythm and acts diuretically. Weak heart. The remedy for the drinking habit. It promotes the appetite and…