The Light of the Prophet
Sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam
The “Salafis” object to the verses (of al-Burda by Imam al-Busiri):
52. wa kullu ayin ata al-rusulu al-kiramu biha / fa innama ittasalat min nurihi bihimi
And every single sign brought by the noble Prophets was theirs only in connection to his light,
53. fa innahu shamsu fadlin hum kawakibuha / yuzhirna anwaraha li al-nasi fi al-zulami
For verily he is a sun of perfection of which they are the moons bringing its light to people in the midst of darkness.
Their objection is based on their known abhorrence of referring to the Prophet as “Light,” although Allah Himself refers to him as “light” three times in His Glorious Book:
· “From Allah has come to you a Light and a Book manifest.” (5:15)
· “The likeness of His light is as a niche wherein is a Lamp (the lamp in a glass, the glass as it were a glittering star) kindled from a Blessed Tree, an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil well nigh would shine, even if no fire touched it; Light upon Light.” (24:35)