Do you Learn from Mistakes?

Mistake is an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong. As long as we exist, we make mistakes consciously or unconsciously. Unconscious Mistakes: Some mistakes we made because of…

Healthy, Protein-Packed Nut Butters

or many of us, the love affair began with lunchbox peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or after-school apple slices slathered with the nutty spread. Maybe you’ve since found other uses for…

Talk to Your Child Like an Adult

A bit of baby talk and mimicking a child’s sounds during the earliest months of life makes an infant feel connected and understood and stimulates an infant’s brain. One study…

Good-for-You Smoothies

Good-for-You Smoothies Juice-bar smoothies are big calorie and carbohydrate bombs, which can be a problem for people with diabetes. That's why we asked Jackie Mills, MS, RD, author of 1,000 Diabetes…