A remedy for certain headaches, intermittent fever. Coldness of abdomen. Twitchings. Sensation of tension and compression. Fidgets and urinary difficulties in women. Diabetes.
Head.–Pressing in vertex; better, hard pressure with hand. Pressing-together pain. Weight pressing on brain with every step on ascending. Pain from nape over whole brain; better, stooping, sitting; worse, going upstairs. Cracking in jaw and twitching of facial muscles.
Stomach.–No thirst at any time. Revenous hunger; passing away after eating a little. Desire for meat. Sensation of coldness extending up to śsophagus.
Abdomen.–Distended and full; increased by smoking tobacco. Coldness of abdomen.
Extremities.–Icy coldness of hands and feet. Cramp-like pain. As soon as patient lies down, legs jerk and twitch.
Fever.–Coldness predominates; felt most acutely in abdomen and legs and tip of nose.
Modalities.–Worse, during rest, ascending better, pressure on affected part, stooping, motion.
Relationship.–Compare: Caps; Puls; Calc; Phos ac; Sang.
Antidote: Camph.
Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency.
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