New Jersey Tea

This remedy seems to possess a specific relation to the spleen. Ague cake of malaria. A left-sided remedy generally. Anæmic patients where liver and spleen are at fault. Chronic bronchitis with profuse secretion. Marked blood pressure, reducing powers. Active hemastatic, materially reducing the clotting of blood.

Abdomen.–Enormous enlargement of the spleen. Splenitis; pain all up the left side. Deep-seated pain in left hypochondrium, hypertrophy of spleen. Leucæmia. Violent dyspnœa. Menses profuse, and yellow weakening leucorrhœa. Unable to lie on left side. Pain in liver and back.

Rectum.–Diarrhœa; bearing down in abdomen and rectum.

Urine.–Constant urging to urinate. Green; frothy; contains bile, sugar.

Relationship.–Compare: Tinospora cordifolia (a Hindoo medicine for chronic cases of fever with enlarged spleen). Polymnia uvedalia-Bearsfoot–(acute splenitis with tenderness over left hypochondriac region; spleen enlarged, ague cake. Vascular atony, tissues sodden, flabby and non-elastic. Enlarged glands; influences all ductless glands). Ceanothus thrysiflorus-California Lilac–(Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, nasal catarrh, diphtheria. Tincture internally and as a gargle).

Compare: Berberis; Myrica; Cedron; Agaricus (spleen).

Modalities.–Worse, motion, lying on left side.

Dose.–First attenuation. Locally as hair tonic.


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