Top 7 Natural Homeopathic remedies for Treating Chilblains

Top 7 Natural Homeopathic remedies for Treating Chilblains

As the name suggests, chilblains are small, itchy swellings that appear on the skin due to exposure to cold or humid conditions over a period. The tissue gets inflammed, and the symptoms of damaged capillary beds in the skin are usually visible. This condition affects the extreme parts of the body that are more susceptible to cold, like the fingertips, toes, nose, ears, and heels. Chilblains rarely cause any permanent damage and tend to heal within weeks with proper precautions. A homeopathic remedy for chilblains like Agaricus works to reduce the swelling and inflammation, and also provide relief from painful symptoms.
Chilblains are also known as Perniosis or Chilburns.

Homeopathic Remedy for Chilblains

The best treatment for chilblains is a natural science. Homeopathy takes into consideration the fact that the symptoms of disease occur as a result of the body’s inability to combat an infection. Homeopathy helps in boosting an individual’s immune response to fight the infections and restore the body to its healthy state. Homeopathic remedy for chilblains is a completely natural, non-intrusive, and safe treatment method. Made of natural substances, homeopathic medicines are used to get rid of chilblains quickly.

Homeopathic Medicines for Chilblains

Agaricus: Best Homeopathic Remedy for Chilblains

Agaricus for chilblains is the top grade homeopathic remedy for chilblains. It is used to treat common symptoms of chilblains, like a burning sensation and intense itching on both the hands. The affected person may feel as if their hands were frozen. The hands appear blue and cold, and painful swellings of the hands and toes may be present. A sharp, prickling pain may also be present.

Petroleum: For Painful Chilblains

Petroleum is a homeopathic remedy used to treat chilblains where there is a lot of pain. The parts affected by chilblains itch terribly and feel like they burn (like fire). Inflammation usually appears with the cold weather.

Lachesis: For Chilblains with Pus

Laches is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains that can help in treating the cases of old chilblains that become inflamed and suppurating. This medicine is used in cases where the circulation in the capillary is affected. It helps to renew the circulation without sloughing off the skin. Dark blue swelling of the cellular tissue on the hands gives a mottled appearance, and a purple discoloration may be seen on the feet. This is an excellent homeopathic medicine for blood circulation.

Abrotanum: For Chilblains that are Itchy 

Abrotanum is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains where the condition causes itching. There can be associated coldness of the fingertips with a presence of prickling pain in the fingers.

Rhustox: For Chilblains with Formication

Rhustox is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains that helps treat inflammation of the fingertips with formication (sensation of insects crawling over the skin). There is visibly red, smooth and shining swelling of the hands and feet. Rubbing the affected parts increases the eruptions. This medicine is used to treat vesicular eruptions.

Sulfur: For Burning Soles of Feet due to Chilblains

Sulfur is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains that helps reduce swelling of the toes, especially those that tend to suppurate. There is purple discoloration of the feet, along with thick, red chilblains on the fingers. There is intense itching in the toes that were frozen, and it usually gets worse by the warmth of the bed.

Pulsatilla: Effective Natural Remedy for Chilblains

Pulsatilla is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains which are hot, have bluish-red swelling, and itching. Purple discoloration of the feet along with an inflammation of the toes is also there.

Causes of Chilblains

Chilblains are usually considered to be an idiopathic condition which means that there is no particular cause behind it. The most common reasons that are thought to cause this condition are as follows:

It can be related to body’s abnormal reaction when an individual is exposed to a cold or humid environment, followed by sudden rewarming. The superficial blood vessels become narrow when exposed to extremes of temperature. These usually expand to their usual size with slow, gradual and steady warmth. But if sudden rewarming of the affected part occurs, the blood vessels expand quickly. This leads to an increased blood flow which the superficial blood vessels cannot handle. The blood then leaks out into the surrounding tissues, resulting in itchiness and swelling.

Chilblains can be hereditary too; a positive family history can be a risk factor.

A long-standing history of chronic chilblains indicates a disorder of the connective tissue.

Chilblains: Risk Factors

There can be many risk factors involved in the occurrence of chilblains, like:

Environmental factors, which are usually noticed in people living in extremely cold or humid areas.

Seasonal changes, moving from warm weather to cold, like during the months from November to April.

Poor circulation in an individual makes them susceptible to chilblains, as it may lead to an increased sensitivity to the changes in temperature.

Autoimmune diseases like Lupus cause swelling in the body’s tissues and affected people become more prone to develop chilblains.

Raynaud’s disease is a condition in which the small arteries that supply blood to skin becomes narrow, resulting in decreased blood flow to the affected area. It usually affects the blood supply to fingers and toes. People who suffer from Raynaud’s disease are more susceptible to develop chilblains.

Gender: Women are more likely to get chilblains as compared to males.

Body weight is another risk factor; people with low body weight are more prone to developing chilblains.

Clothing or shoes that are too tight, worn in cold, damp weather can hinder the blood circulation and predispose a person to develop chilblains. Also, not wearing sufficient warm clothes in extremes of weather can increase one’s susceptibility to chilblains, especially on the parts exposed to the cold or dampness.

Chilblains: Symptoms

The most common symptoms of chilblains include:

Color Changes of the affected area of the skin:
The condition can lead to general redness or blueness of the affected areas of the skin, or it can cause patchy discoloration. Changes in the color are usually visible through naked eyes. These color changes occur as a result of the body’s abnormal reaction towards repeated exposure to extremes of temperatures. Erythema, with blanchable redness of the area, may also occur.

Swelling may occur as a result of an accumulation of leaked blood in the surrounding tissues. The blood gets leaked from the capillaries when sudden rewarming happens after exposure to cold or humid conditions.

Pain is a common symptom experienced by people suffering from chilblains. Pain due to chilblains can range from mild, moderate to severe. It may be a sharp, tearing, prickling, throbbing or dull, aching pain in the affected parts.

An individual can experience an irritating or uncontrollable itching sensation in the affected part, as a result of chilblains. Usually, this itching occurs when the affected area becomes warm.

A burning sensation usually occurs as a result of underlying nerve damage in the area affected by chilblains. Nerve damage also leads to tingling and numbness in the affected part, which feels like a burning sensation.

Complications from Chilblains

Chilblains do not usually result in permanent injury, but if not treated well within time, it can cause severe damage. Recurrent and non-healing chilblains should be reported to a doctor to rule out more serious medical conditions.

Complications include:

  • permanent discoloration of the skin.
  • scarring of the skin.
  • formation of the painful blisters, which can further lead to ulcers and infections.

Preventing Chilblains

Preventive measures can be taken to avoid the occurrence of the chilblains, which include:

  • reduction in exposure to cold or humid climates.
  • keeping the hands and feet warm.
  • avoiding tight clothes and shoes that restrict circulation of blood to the feet, toes, and extremities.
  • keeping a check on the condition of the feet in case one is diabetic. People with diabetes may get infected by chilblains without realizing it.

Tips to Manage Chilblains with Homeopathy

Apart from using the best homeopathic remedy for chilblains, there are a few management tips that can help manage, and eventually reverse the condition:

  • maintain a regular exercise routine so that the circulation is not compromised.
  • soak the affected parts in warm (never hot) water.
  • keep the affected area dry.
  • keep a regular check on associated health issues like blood pressure or diabetes, as they affect healing.
  • rewarm the affected parts gradually to avoid any sudden rewarming and its side effects.
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