This is an herbaceous plant with a creeping and somewhat ligneous, cylindrical stem, the upper branches being covered with short and crooked thorns. The leaves, of a dark green, are alternate, irregularly pennate; the folioles are long, lanceolate, almost sessile on a thorny spike; there are from 7 to 9, those at the top being the largest. The flowers are supported by ramose pedicles, which do not grow out of axils; calice campanulate, with five divisions; corolla of a greenish white, monopetalous, with five equal, rotaceous, somewhat reflexed divisions alternating with those of the calix. Five stamens with erect, converging and bilocular anthers; their filaments are short, with the exception of one, which is longer than the rest. Ovary oval, surmounted by a filiform style. Berry spherical with two compartments, of a dark green, with white spots. This solanum grows on the shores around Rio Janeiro, in damp and shady places. We employ the flower.
1. Scanty urine. Short-lasting menses. Toothache at night. Acute catarrh. 5. Suffocating cough. Pain in the face. Toothache. Pain and swelling of the face and throat, with inflammation. No sleep for two nights. 10. Stye on the right lower eyelid. Swelling of a cervical glands. Continual redness of the face. Difficult digestion. Pain at the internal canthi of the eyes. 15. Inflammation of the left upper eyelid. Tickling at the lower limbs. Pustules all over, first white, then red, with an intolerable itching now and then. Lancinating pain in the stomach not lasting long. Sense of chilliness in the left side of the chest, after drinking. 20. Violent pain in the left cheek, spreading over the whole face. Discharge of fetid yellow mucus from the left nostril. Sadness. ,Irritable. Drowsiness with headache. 25. Herpetic eruption at the ankle. Nettle-rash fever. Sore throat. Itching. Ptyalism. 30. No appetite. Tongue coated white. No sleep. Drowsy for four hours in the middle of the day. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina. 35. Swelling of the mammary glands with profuse effusion of milk, on the second day. Drowsy all day. Shortly after taking the drug the breasts of a negro-woman of 60 years began to swell and discharged a quantity of milk.
1. Sad. Irritable. Toothache. Pain in the face, also with swelling of the face and throat, and inflammation. Redness of the face. 5. Pain is left cheek, spreading over the face. Stye on right lower lid. Inflammation of left lower lid. Pain at the inner canthi. Discharge of fetid yellow mucus from left nostril. 10. Difficult digestion. No appetite. Tongue coated white. Chilly feeling in left chest, after drinking. Sore throat. 15. Ptyalism. Lancinating pain in the stomach. Scanty urine. Short-lasting menses. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina. 20. Swelling of the mammary glands, with discharge of milk. Tickling at the lower limbs. No sleep. Drowsy with headache: Itching pustules all over, first white, then red. Herpes at the ankle. Nettle-rash with fever.
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