This is a creeper, inhabiting the shores in the bay of Rio Janeiro. Its stem is herbaceous, rounded, covered with short and rather stiff hairs. Its leaves are simple, opposite, gradually tapering to a short channeled petiole adhering to that of the opposite side, and forming tufts at certain intervals whence arise adventitious roots. They have a smooth, trapezoid, coarsely intended limb. The flowers form little axillary heads, with from 15 to 20 flowers each, arising from an involucre with five divisions and supported by a somewhat filiform pedicle. Calix tubulous, monophyllous, with five teeth, and much shorter than the tube of the corol. The corol is monopetalous, of a yellowish white, tubulous, puffed up at its extremity, with five reflexed divisions, and five stamens with bilocular, connivent anthers which are longer than the corol. Ovary one-celled, flat at the top, whence proceeds a slender style, terminated by a glandular stygma which is longer than the stamens. Fruit monospermous, elongated, with a crustaceous integument which is covered with a number of stiff hairs that are bent over, and which presents irregular longitudinal furrows. The root is perennial and ramose. We employ the leaves.
First day. -1. Weakness of the joints of the lower extremities, immediately. Vertigo. Slight pain in the right side of the neck, for five minutes. Body and head are very warm. 5. Cold extremities. Violent sexual desire at 11, disappearing afterwards during the remainder of the day.
Second day. Headache in the morning. Pain in the sides of the chest. Weakness of the lower limbs. 10. Aversion to everything. Taciturn. Acute pain in the left ear, for some minutes. Hot face, with sickness at the stomach. Passing pain in the left arm. 15. Passing pain in the left lower limb, for ten minutes. Very drowsy after noon. Headache after a walk. Acute pain in the left lower limb, in the evening. In the evening, pain in the limbs. 20. Pain in the head. Internal heat. At night, very hot internally. Pulse hard and small. Passing and lancinating pains in various parts. 25. Lancinations in various parts of the head. Lancinating pain in the kidneys; the parts were all painful as if pricked. Pain at the right shoulder. Painful burning pricking at the right shoulder. Catarrhal sore throat. 30. Frequent and scanty flow of saliva. Passing pains at the neck. Constant pain in the head. Slight sense of heaviness at the stomach. Sense of chilliness at every motion. 35. Vertigo for 3 or 4 minutes, after eating. Heat in the eyes. Sensitive smell all day. Constant headache, especially in the forehead. Pain in the left limbar region. 40. Heaviness of the head, with vertigo. Drowsy after 9. No stool, red urine.
Third day. Pain in the right lower limb, in the morning. Pain at the neck. 45. Heaviness of the head and on the eyelids. Taciturn. Sad. Extremely languid. Pricking in various parts of the thorax. 50. Unable to lean on an arm, on account of the pain in the thorax. Pain in the temples. Weak stomach. Painful palpitation of the heart. Heat in the limbs. 55. Hot arms with cold hands. At 9 in the evening, hard and small pulse, pain in the right lower limb, all day. Vertigo. Heaviness of the head. Drowsy. 60. Heat in the eyes. Passing pains in various parts of the trunk. Passing pain at the humerus. Constant pain at the right hip and lower limb. Passing pains at the neck. 65. Sexual desire as above. Headache. Internal heat, coming and going momentarily. Pain in the ribs when bending forward; feeble pulse. Pain and constriction of the throat. 70. After a walk, heat in the head lasting all day. Pains here and there, which seem to shift. Red urine. Excessive heat about the head.
Fourth day. Aversion to everything, in the morning. 75. Pain in the neck. Pain at the back. Headache. Heat in the face. Pain in the stomach. 80. Pain at the heart. Pain in the chest when straining. Pain at the humerus when lifting anything. Slight headache above the brows. Palpitation of the heart. 85. Agitated pulse. Ulceration of the commissure of the lips. Constant pain in the iliac region. Milk-colored spittle. Easy discharge of urine. 90. When drawing breath, pain below the last false ribs, left side. The same pain on the right side, less lasting. Stool hard, inodorous. Headache, at night. Pain, with difficult breathing. 95. Little saliva. An old pain in the chest is worse.
Fifth day. Profuse saliva in the morning. Inflammation and lachrymation of the left eye. Lips dry and cracked at the corners. 100. Heaviness at the stomach. Extreme languor. Hot fever, vertigo, uneasy pulse. Acute pains all over for three hours. Pain in the ribs and at the nape of the neck, in the evening. 105. Violent pain in the eyes. Frontal headache. Taciturn for some time. Painful stitch in the region of the heart. Stomach-ache. 110. Pains in the joints hindering movement.
Sixth day. Stomach-ache. Pain in the back, while sitting. Languor and general prostration. Profuse saliva. 115. Bitter mouth. Headache. Pain here and there. The right lower limb is always painful. 120. White-colored spittle.
Seventh day. Pain in the belly. Pain at the right shoulder. Frightful dreams, about dead bodies. 125. Pain in the forehead. Heaviness in the stomach.
Eighth day. Pain in the joints. Pain at the right ribs. Pain in the forehead. 130. Slight pain at the right shoulder. Pain in the lower limbs. Passing pains above the right ear.
HEAD, &c.: 1.Vertigo after eating. Vertigo. Taciturn. Excessive heat about the head. 5. Dartings in the head. Pain in the temples. , Frontal headache. Sensitive smell, all day. Acute pain in the left ear. 10. Heat in the eyes. Inflammation and running of the left eye.
GASTRIC, &c.: Profuse saliva. Laceration of the commissure of the lips. Milky spittle. 15. Bitter mouth. Aversion to everything. Painful constriction of the throat. Sore throat. Heaviness at the stomach. 20. Pain in the iliac region. Pain in the kidneys ai if pricked. Pain below the false ribs when drawing breath. Costiveness with red urine. Violent sexual desire.
CHEST, &c.: 25. Pain at the right ribs. Prickings in the cheat. Pain in the chest, on which account he is unable to lean on the arm. Pain in the sides of the chest. Painful stitch in the region of the heart. 30. Pain at the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Passing pains at the neck. Pain in the back. Pain at the right shoulder. 35. Pain at the humerus when lifting anything. Burning pricking at right shoulder. Weakness of the joints of the lower limbs Weakness of the lower limbs. Drowsy. 40. Dreams about dead bodies. Hot arms with cold hands. Internal heat, coming and going. Sense of chilliness when stirring. Heat in the limbs. 45. Very hot, internally, at night. Pulse hard and small. Prostration. Darting pains here and there. Acute pains all over, for three hours. 50. Pain in the joints.
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