This plant is very common in the neighborhood of Rio, where it is found along the roads and in stony regions. It is herbaceous, with numerous glabrous, erect stems, attaining a height of from twenty to thirty inches; the radical leaves are petiolate, finely indented; the superior leaves are alternate, sessile and almost linear. It blossoms in September. The flowers, which form terminal spikes, are supported by filiform pedicles; calix with four folioles; corol small, cruciform, with four hypozynous petals, six tetradynamous stamens, short style, small, subelliptical pod, which is somewhat crenated at the top; root fibrous, simple, erect. The fresh leaves are triturated. In Brazil the Lepidium bonariense is used for similar purposes as the Arnica. It is universally used in domestic practice. The pathogenesis of this plant may be perhaps welcome to our profession.
First day. -1. Sleeps well until midnight; no sleep since then; has pains all over when stirring. Heat all over, with dull pain; she had the most pain on the left side. Violent pain in the left arm before rising; she cannot stretch it; the more she covers it, the greater is the pain; the pain ceases on uncovering the arm.
Second day. Dizziness at nine in the morning; her head fell forward and she imagined the floor was sinking under her; everything turned with her. 5. At eleven, heat in the face, left side. Dull pain at the stomach, followed by desire to vomit. Cold as when she had her spasms. Hunger after dinner. In the evening, hot face. 10. Pain as if scratched, for an hour, followed by heat, at the feet. Beating pain above the left ear. Acute stitching pain in the lower gums, for an hour. Itching in the right ear, worse when stooping, for half an hour. Dreams that she is talking with dead people; very restless. 15. Sad on waking.
Third day. On rising, pain as from a crown pressing on her head. Pain round the right ear, as if pricked with pins, ceasing by rubbing the part; for a quarter of an hour. Stitch in the right lung for five minutes. Pain at eminence in the left cheek, with redness. 20. Heat in the mouth, on the left side, as from eating spice. Palpitation of the heart, felt in the side, with violent pain hindering breathing; worse when stooping, ceasing when lying down. At noon, boring pain at the vertex, left side, extending to the ear. Heat in the nose, and sensation as of a current of cold air in the left nasal fossa. Pain in the nape of the neck, right side, ceasing by rubbing the part and moving the neck. 25. Sensation as if a knife were slowly penetrating into the heart, ceasing when pressing for a few minutes strongly against the region of the heart. Prickings at the shoulder-blade, extending along the right side of the neck. Itching at the right nostril. Pricking at the skin, followed by itching. Pricking in the oar, down the jaw. 30. Lancination in the right breast, less when standing erect. Stitching pain under the axilla, in a half-moon shape. Prickings between the breasts. Pain as from a band on the right side, worse when pressed upon, hindering breathing. Lancination in the spine of the shoulder-blade, shifting to the other shoulder; less when standing erect. 35. Prickings in the left hypochondrium. Stitch under the axilla. Desire for chocolate, salad, green fruit. Great thirst for vinegar. Lancination in the heart, in the evening. 40. Oppression after eating. Convulsive trembling of the heart. Pain at the pit of the stomach after eating, worse when walking, or when touching the part. The blood which is discharged on the second day of the courses is darker and coagulated.
Fourth day. Band in the side as the day before. 45. Passing lancinations in the abdomen, sides and breasts. Lancinations from the elbow to the shoulder-blade. Heaviness and pressure on the bladder when urinating. The menses cease after twenty-four hours. Short sleep. 50. Desire to vomit all night. Formication above the left shoulder. Slight spitting of blood after coughing. Cutting as with a penknife below the left breast. Heat in the throat with desire to vomit, and noise in the ears when swallowing the saliva. 55. Constrictive pain in the head. Vertigo, with disposition to fall forward. Thick expectoration, which it is difficult to get loose, with roaring in the ears. Painful stitch at the knee, less when walking. Stitch in the cheeks. 60. Lancinations under the axilla. Colic in the umbilical region. Hard hearing. Throbbing at the epigastrium. Very sad, thinks of sickness. 65. Pain in the bone of the left thumb, with trembling when attempting to use it. When at- tempting to read her eyes fill with tears.
Fifth day. Sad, uneasy, quarrelsome, dissatisfied, deep sleep.
Sixth day. Dim eye as if looking through a white gauze; when looking at the sky, the air looks gray. Her left eye is full of water; the pain is worse when moving, it follows the eyebrow, for six hours. 70. Crampy pain at the right ring-finger, extending to the elbow, contracting the flexor communis digitorum, with redness at the lower part of the nail; for twenty minutes; it passes off in the open air. Toothache on the right side, at one o’clock. Water in the eye, worse in the open air, ending with itching, for ten minutes. Heat in the corner of the left nostril, and stitch at the tip of the nose, for fifteen minutes. Pain at the forehead, with beating in the left side, for ten minutes. 75. Merry, she laughs about everything. Desire to vomit after dinner, when inclining her head forward. Difficult digestion, weight on the stomach. Salt, thick and difficult sputa. Pains for five minutes, from the shoulder to the middle of the back, with lancinations hindering breathing. 80. Pain passing quickly through the right side of the head, from the top of the left parietal bone to the eyebrow. Desire for tea. Lancinations in the ears. Pain at the cardia as if cut with a penknife, short-lasting. Thirst, dry mouth. 85. No sleep at night, the whole body feels tired as in the third night.
Seventh day. Pain in the left lung, striking through the back, and worse when carrying anything heavy; for twelve hours. Stitch in the left side; when drawing breath, the pain is felt like a cut with a knife, and, after a short interval, coalesces with the former pain; three times. Urine clear, white and not very thick. Sense, as of a string at the right breast, painless. 90. Pain in the teeth of the left lower jaw, striking to the ear, and rendering her deaf for three minutes. She feels as if a string were pulled from the shoulder to the ear. Toothache, the teeth are soft and on edge, all day; every day since she took the drug, not at night. Violent drawing pain from the shoulder to the ear, hindering the motion of the head for three minutes. Shuddering, with paleness, and margins around the eyes. 95. The fever abates by covering herself and exciting a profuse perspiration ; it is succeeded by malaise.
Eighth day. Cough at night, light sleep. Sad dreams, with fear on waking, for a quarter of an hour. Itching at the tongue, like prickings, for five minutes. Itching at the nipples, swelling of the glands, hardness of the breasts; the itching does not last long. 100. Pain at the pit of the stomach, which strikes to the left breast and shifts about; stitch in both places at the same time. Itching under the chin, from ear to ear; proceeding from the throat. Dry hacking cough which causes a desire to spit, and, after repeated efforts, produces a salt saliva. Pain in the left lower jaw, extending to the shoulder, for five minutes. Pain as if a penknife were thrust in, with itching at the biceps muscle. 105. Pricking at the temple with itching, which spreads all over, all day. Pain at the shoulder-blade as if a pin were stuck through the bone, for three minutes. Pain in the middle-finger, while running, the finger remained stretched for some minutes. Pain from the left hip to the knee, with weakness of the leg which abates when sitting down. Pain and beating in the left jaw, for ten minutes. 110. Vertigo and desire to vomit in the evening. Cough with hoarse voice.
First day. Heavy sleep, with numbness on waking; sensation as if the whole body were bruised. Drawing pain from the throat to the arm; her tongue is thick as if very much swollen.
Second day. The left arm is very numb, pain in the left shoulder, as if beaten by hammers. 115. Stitching pain at the pit of the stomach, after eating. Crampy pain in the right hand, followed by shuddering all over.
Third day. No sleep until midnight. At seven in the morning, itching at the corner of the right lip. Nose swollen on the left side, with pain, which is less in the open air and worse when the parts are touched. 120. Painless lachrymation. Itching on the back of the hands. Weariness. Desire to vomit, worse after half an hour; passes off by stirring about. Pain in the pit of the stomach as from a band cutting the body in two, for half an hour. 125. Pain at the bend of the knee, as if a tendon were slowly drawn inwards. Buzzing in the left ear. Rheumatic pain at the right shoulder-blade, for some minutes. Drowsy from noon to three o’clock. Headache above the orbits and in the temples, worse when raising the eyes or touching the parts. 130. Pain in the pectoralis major, commencing under the axilla, and, in a few minutes, extending to the heart. Worm-colic in the lower part of the abdomen, for five minutes, with ineffectual effort to go to stool, and with tenesmus. Frequent yawning. Pain at the right arm, like a blow with the hammer, and numbness. Vertigo while steadying a basin with water, the head inclining forward. 135. Pain in the right cheek, passing off by pressing on the bony eminence. Compression as by a band around the waist, especially at the epigastrium. Feeling of weakness in the stomach, with faint feeling. Crampy pain in the right side of the neck, extending to various parts of the shoulder and arm; relieved by pressure. Colic caused by the damp air. 140. Coldness at the stomach, extending over the chest as far as the throat. Pain with twitching of the muscles under the right breast, extending and diminishing towards the axilla. Rheumatic pain and stiffness of the left index-finger, which remains stretched for some minutes. Contusive pain at the right hip, lessened by pressure. A cake remains arrested in the oesophagus, after which it suddenly falls into the stomach with a shaking sensation; the same symptom is experienced in drinking. 145. Heat at the tip of the tongue as from spice, and sensation as if the papillae would expand and open. The abdominal functions are regular. Dark urine. Stitching pain in the left axilla. Shuddering and cold sweat in the air. 150. Violent coryza, inflammation, itching at the nose. The limbs feel bruised. Desire for cressis, with loathing when seeing it. Contraction of the leg, with stiffness of the bend of the knee.
Fourth day. Sensation as if a knife were plunged into the epigastrium from without inwards. 155. Dry cough, with loss of breath. Violent shock across the middle of the back. Throbbing in the head, from within outwards, causing her to incline the head forwards, She imagines she is abandoned in a church-yard, pursued by a phantom; and cries though nobody hears her, with loss of voice next morning. Lancination from the ear to the shoulder. 160. Beating in the forehead, causing her to incline her head forward, not long. Sensation like a blow at the left big toe. Merry after the sadness of the previous days (curative effects). Desire for fruit and loathing of food.
Fifth day. Bleeding from the right nostril, the blood is black and coagulated, with itching. 165. Pain in the right eye as from some round weight, resting upon it, with itching in the inner canthus. Pain in the shoulder extending around the neck like a band, with stitch in the pit of the stomach and nape of the neck. Pricking and pressing pain around the head. Crampy pain in the left hand. The nose bleed continues until one o’clock, when it becomes violent, with red and bright blood.
Sixth day. -170. Deep sleep. Pain as if a penknife were stuck along the jaw, short-lasting. Crampy pain behind the neck, for five minutes. Short pain from the temple to the chin, as if the face were cut with a razor. Beating in the pit of the stomach, with pricking, worse when drawing breath, not long. 175. Pain from the left ear to the lower part of the neck, along the course of the carotid, worse when inclining the head toward the right. The left ear feels as if stopped up, she does not hear anything with it. Loathing of meat.
Seventh day. Pain in the back as from a nail, extending to the intra-scapular region. Pain in the right side arresting the breathing. 180. Shuddering all over as when the fever commences. Heat after the cold, especially in the renal region. Constrictive pain at the heart, extending to the left axilla. Desire to vomit, for half an hour. Pricking at the tip of the middle-finger, drawing it up, so that she is unable to stretch it.
First day. -185. Very drowsy, shuddering in the legs as before an attack of fever, very short. At 8, stitch in the left side, disappearing of itself. At 11, tightness in the forehead as if pressed upon, for 15 minutes. Constant physical and moral torpor. Constant dull pain in the head. 190. Frequent yawning. Desire to vomit before eating. Violent headache at 4 in the afternoon. Dull pain in the abdomen, especially on the right side, not aggravated by pressure. Headache with heat at the fore-part of the vertex. 195. Absence of ideas; inability to think, with indifference for everything. Comatose condition without being able to sleep. Weight at the eyelids, with desire to close them. The outer air feels very fresh. Pricking in the left side of the face. 200. Thirst. Desire for coffee. Internal heat, and restlessness after lying down, she has to get up again. Pulling at the forehead and at the root of the nose. Heat in the stomach, with feeling of dryness and irritation. 205. Throbbing in the back, which seems to proceed from the aorta. Aversion to milk. Desire to walk about. Passing heat in the back, followed by a general shuddering.
Second day. No sleep at night, general restlessness followed by prickings all over, all night. 210. Eyelids weary, she raises them with difficulty all night. At 4, pains in the abdomen, on the right side, the same as the night previous.
Third day. The same restlessness, as the night before, followed by sleeplessness. Pain in the left arm, she is scarcely able to raise it, not long. Sickness at the stomach, followed by a desire to vomit, before a meal. 215. Lancinations in the right eye, without redness, for three hours.
Fourth day. Sickness at the stomach before eating. Weariness in the legs for three hours. Heat in the back, not long, followed by shuddering.
Second day. At 10 in the morning, pain all along the trunk, from above downwards. 220. Pulling in the course of the left sartorius muscle. At 2, pain in the left gluteus maximus, as if contracted and twisted. At 6, pain as if cut with a penknife, under the left axilla.
Third day. Laming pain at the left arm, when holding it still for a time. Dreams about dead bodies, at night.
Fourth day. -225. At 11, distress at the pit of the stomach, with desire to vomit. Physical and moral prostration, loss of appetite, loathing of food. At 2, heat in the head, with cold sweat and a little fever. Constant desire to gape. At 6, heat in the head, no sweat. 230. Diarrhoea. At 8 in the evening, violent colic, less when sitting, flatulence from the bowels. Sour eructations.
Fifth day. At 7 in the morning, the abdomen feels sensitive as if sore. Sensitiveness of the hairy scalp. 235. Short breathing. The abdomen feels better. At 11, burning in the eyes. At 12, quick beating on the right shoulder, as with a little hammer, for a minute. At 2, stitch in the abdomen, on the left side. 240. From 4 to 7, faint feeling in the stomach.
Sixth day. At half past 6, pain in the gluteus maximus, for one hour.
Seventh day. At 3, palpitation of the heart. At night, while lying, suffocative fit. Foul eructations all day. 245. Nightly pain in the whole abdomen. At 5, buzzing in the right ear, for two minutes.
First day. Violent lancinations in the right side of the chest for a few minutes, below the third rib, every few moments. Acute pain at the inner side of the right tibia.
Second day. Heaviness of the body. 250. Drowsy all day. Bad night, nervous restlessness. Pains in the left brain, spreading from above the left eye (which experiences a contractive sensation) to the vertex, the back part of the head, and lastly to the nape of the neck where they remain seated for a time. The pains seem to be seated in the cerebral membranes, and succeed each other, never appear simultaneously. Sharp stitching pain, in the region of the heart, with lancinations under the false ribs. Violent headache, as if a hammer were beating inside and as if the brain were bounding in an empty space, for half an hour. 255. Sharp pain in the right lower jaw-bone, all the teeth being sound. Palpitation of the heart.
Third day. Night less restless. Sleeps all the time. Heaviness of the head, with an undefined feeling of malaise in the brain, especially on the left side. 260. Painful sensation at the right zygoma, for a short time.
Fourth day. On waking, acute pains in the head and posterior cervical muscles. Intense lancinating pains in the muscles of the right hand, and its phalangeal articulations. Two hours, similar sensations in the right shoulder-blade, accompanied by pains in the right wrist, all these pains are well marked, but short.
Fifth day. Restless night, without any apparent cause; no sleep.
Sixth day. -265. Prickling in the eyes, in the evening, as from some astringent body. Eyeball and lids congested. Lancinations in the right shoulder-blade.
Seventh day. Continual redness and pain in the eyes. Lancinating pains above the eyes and in the temples.
Eighth day.-270. Eyes still red, but less; no prickling. Ninth day. Eyes well.
Thirteenth day. Acute and repeated pains in the cervical muscles, and those of the left shoulder-blade. Violent headache in the morning, which lasts until 2 o’clock.
Fourteenth day. Heavy and drowsy.
Fifteenth day. -275. Recurrence of the pains in the neck and shoulder-blade, in the morning. Heavy and drowsy; unable to apply himself to a serious work; at 3, continued his work with ease.
Sixteenth day. Acute pains in the muscles of the neck and shoulder-blade. Violent headache, in the evening, with sense of compression in the forehead; from temple to temple. Dry mouth and throat.
Seventeenth to nineteenth day. -280. Violent headache, all day, from ten every morning until night. Violent palpitation of the heart. Violent pains in the muscles of the neck, thigh and left leg, frequently recurring, but short. (Rising of air in the evening, without acidity).
Twentieth day. No headache. Same symptoms as on the preceding days, in the muscles of the left side. 285. Passing palpitations. Eructations. Loathing of food, especially meat. Pains in the maxillary bones, as if all the teeth were affected.
Twenty-first day. Lancination above the left eye and in the left temple. 290. Lancinations in the left jaw-bone. No appetite, loathing of meat.
Twenty-second and -third day. No appetite. Pains in the left side of the head. 295. Palpitations of the heart. Twenty-fourth day. The stomach feels better. Slight dartings in the head, always on the left side.
Twenty-fifth day. The appetite returns.
MENTAL AND MORAL: 1. She imagined the floor was sinking under her. Inability to think. She imagines she is pursued by a phantom in a church-yard, cries, with loss of voice next morning. Vertigo, with desire to vomit. 5. Vertigo when stooping slightly. Sad and quarrelsome.
HEAD: Painful pressure on the head. Headache, with heat at front-part of vertex. Headache above the orbits and in the temples. 10. Constrictive pain in the head. Headache, with sense of compression in forehead. Beating headache, as if the brain were bounding. Pains in the left brain, spreading to the occiput and nape of the neck. Boring pain in the vertex. 15. Pricking and pressing pain round the head. Throbbing in the head, causing one to bend it forward. Pricking at the temple, and itching all over. Tightness of the forehead. Pulling at the forehead and root of the nose. 20. Lancinations in left side of the head. Heaviness of the head, with indescribable malaise in the brain, especially the left. Heat in the head, with cold sweat and fever. Sensitiveness of the hairy scalp.
FACE, EYEs, EARS: Pain in the right cheek, passing off by pressing on the bone. 25. Pricking in left side of the face. Cutting pain from the temple to the chin, across the face. Heat in left side of the face. Heat in the corner of the left nostril, with stitch in the tip. Nose swollen and painful on the left side. 30. Coryza, inflammation, itching of the nose. Discharge of black blood from the right nostril. Heat in the nose, with sensation as of a current of cold air in left nasal fossa. Buzzing in the right ear. Beating pain above the left ear. 35. Itching in the right ear, worse when stooping. Dartings in the ears. Buzzing in left ear. Pricking pain round the right ear. Prickling in the eyes. 40. Burning in the eyes. Eyelids weary at night. Redness and pains of the eyes. Dartings in the right eye. Dimness of sight as if looking through a white gauze. 45. Lachrymation, with itching. Pain in right eye as from a round weight resting upon it.
TEETH, JEWS: Sticking pain in the jaw. Painful beating in the left jaw. Lancinations in the left jaw. 50. Pains in the jaws, as if in the teeth. Pain in the lower teeth, with deafness. Toothache, as if soft and on edge. Stitching pain in the lower gums. Itching under the chin, from ear to ear.
MOUTH, THROAT: 55. Pricking itching at the tongue. Drawing pain from the tongue to the arm, with sensation as if the tongue were swollen. Smarting at the tip of the tongue. Dry mouth and throat. Heat in the throat with desire to vomit and noise in the ears on swallowing.
GASTRIC: 60. Aversion to meat. Desire for tea. Desire for fruit, with loathing of food. Desire for cressis, with loathing when seeing it. Desire for chocolate and salad, vinegar. 65. Desire for coffee. Desire to vomit. Sour eructations. Foul eructations. Prostration with loathing of food. 70. Loathing of food. A cake descends into the stomach suddenly, with a shaking sensation. Oppression after eating.
STOMACH, BOWELS: Faint feeling in stomach. Distress in pit of stomach, with desire to vomit. 75. Heat in stomach, with feeling of dryness. Sickness at the stomach, followed by a desire to vomit, before eating. Pain at the pit of the stomach, after eating. Stitching pain in the pit of the stomach after eating. Weak feeling in the stomach. 80. Pain in the pit of the stomach, as if cut through. Beating and pricking in the pit of the stomach. Throbbing at the epigastrium. The abdomen feels sensitive. Cutting pain at the cardia. 85. Lancinations in the abdomen and sides. Worm-colic, with tenesmus. Compression as by a band round the waist. Colic in damp air. Sense as of a knife being plunged into the epigastrium. 90. Colic. Stitch in left side of abdomen.
STOOL, URINARY, &C.: Diarrhoea. Weight and pressure at the bladder when urinating. Dark urine.
BRONCHIAL: 95. Dry cough, with loss of breath. Cough with hoarseness. Hacking cough, with salt saliva. Cough with slight spitting of blood. Salt, thick sputa. 100.
Stitch in the right lung. Pain in the right side, arresting the breathing. Twitching pain in the muscles under the right breast. Coldness from the stomach to the throat. Pain in the pectoralis major. 105. Sense as of a string at the right breast. Pain in the left lung, through to the back. Itching at the nipples, swelling of the glands, hardness of the breasts. Sensation as of a band in the side. Pricklings between the breasts. 110. Pain all along the trunk. Lancinations in the right chest. Shortness of breath. Palpitation of the heart, with pain hindering breathing. Convulsive trembling of the heart. 115. Sense as of a knife slowly penetrating into the heart. Constrictive pain at the heart, extending to the left axilla. Palpitation of the heart. Sharp stitching pain in the region of the heart, with lancinations under the false ribs.
BACK: Acute pains in the muscles of the neck and shoulder-blade. 120. Pricklings from the shoulder-blade along the right side of the neck. Sensation as if a string were pulled from the shoulder to the ear. Crampy pain in right side of the neck, extending to the arm. Darting from the ear to the shoulder. Pain from the shoulder round the neck, like a band, with a stitch in the pit of the stomach and nape of the neck. 125. Crampy pain behind the neck. Pain in the side of the neck, worse when turning the head to the right side. Throbbing in the back, passing heat in the back, followed by shuddering all over. Darting in the spine of the shoulder-blade, shifting to the other shoulder. 130. Pains from the shoulder to the back, with lancinations hindering breathing. Sticking pain at the shoulder-blade. Shock across the back. Pain in the back as from a nail.
UPPER EXTREMITIES: Stitching pain in the left axilla. 135. Formication above the left shoulder. Pain under the left axilla, as if cut with a penknife. Quick throbbing on the right shoulder. Violent pain in left arm, worse when covered; she cannot stretch it. Pain as from a blow at the right arm, with numbness. 110. Numbness of the left arm, with pain in the shoulder as if beaten by hammers. Darting from the elbow to the shoulder-blade. Pain in left arm, she can scarcely raise it. Laming pain at left arm, when holding it still. Crampy pain in left hand. 145. Itching on the back of the hands. Crampy pain in the right hand, followed by shuddering all over. Lancinating pains in the muscles of the right hand and shoulder-blades. Rheumatic pain and stiffness of left index-finger. Crampy pain at the right ring-finger. 150. Pain in the bone of the left thumb, with trembling when attempting to use it. Prickling at the tip of the middle-finger, which draws it up.
LOWER EXTREMITIES: Contusive pain at the right hip. Pulling along the left sartorius muscle. Pain in left gluteus maximus as if contracted. 155. Contraction of the leg, with stiffness of the bend of the knee. Acute pain at inner side of right tibia. Pain from the left hip to the knee, with weakness of the leg. Pain in the bend of the knee as if a tendon were slowly drawn inwards. Pain as if scratched at the feet, followed by heat. 160. Sense as of a blow at the left big toe.
SLEEP, &c.: Desire to gape. No sleep after midnight, with pains all over when stirring. Comatose condition, but no sleep. Heavy sleep, with numbness and sense as if bruised on waking. 165. Drowsy, and shuddering in the legs. Restless at night, followed by prickings all over. Heavy and drowsy. Restless night. Suffocative fit at night. 170. She dreams that she is talking with dead persons. Sad dreams with fear on waking. Dreams about dead bodies. Internal heat with restlessness; she has to rise. Heat after the cold, especially in the renal region. 175. Shuddering and cold sweat in the air. Violent pain in the muscles of the neck, thigh and left leg. The limbs feel bruised.
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