THE brownish and ligneous stem of this plant is about three feet high; it is ramose, pubescent, especially above. Leaves alternate, pennate, trifoliate; folioles oval and slightly tomentose, on a hairy, bistipulate petiole. The flowers which are small and seated on filiform, unifloral peduncles, form loose, terminal spikes. Fruit oval, hairy, on bent peduncles, and attaching itself very intimately to clothes and to the hairy skin of animals, on which account the Brazilians call it barba de boi.
1. Painful tearing from the loins to the navel. This pain is less on the second day. Sudden appearance of a yellowish discharge from the urethra. No sleep for several nights. 5. Itching of the penis. Pain and pricking at the eyes. The angers contract with pain. Redness and smarting at the penis. Diarrhoa. 10. Profuse urination. Pain in the upper and lower limbs. Smarting in the eye, with lachrymation. Redness of the sclerotica. Fever and rheumatic pains. 15. Constipation. Painful swelling of the penis, with erysipelatous inflammation. Thin stream of the urine, in consequence of the glans belling swollen.
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