A Coal-tar Product

Vertigo of cerebral origin, cerebellar disease, ataxic symptoms and chorea, present a field for the homeopathic employment of this drug. Profound weakness, gone, faint feeling, and despondency. Loss of control of sphincter. Muscular inco-ordination.

Mind.–Mental confusion, incoherency, illusions; apathetic. Alternation of happy, hopeful states with depression and weakness. Extreme irritability.

Head.–Dropsy, stupid; pain on attempting to raise head. Double vision; heavy look about eyes; tinnitus, aphasia; tongue as if paralyzed. Eyes bloodshot and restless. Vertigo, unable to rise. Double vision; ptosis; tinnitus; dysphagia, difficult speech.

Urinary.–Albuminuria, with casts. Scanty. Pink color. Constant desire to urinate; scanty, brownish red. Hæmato-porphyrinuria.

Respiratory.–Congestion of lungs; stertorous breathing. Sighing dyspnœa.

Extremities.–Ataxic movements, staggering gait; cold, weak, trembling; legs seem too heavy. Extreme restlessness; muscular twitchings. Knee-jerks disappear. Stiffness and paralysis of both legs. Anæsthesia of legs.

Sleep.–Fidgety, wakeful, drowsy. Insomnia.

Skin.–Itching, bluish purpura. Erythema.

Relationship.–Trional; insomnia associated with physical excitement; (vertigo, loss of equilibrium, ataxia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhœa, stertorous breathing, cyanosis, tinnitus, hallucinations).

Dose.–Third trituration.

Non-Homeopathic Uses.–As a hypnotic. Dose, ten to thirty grains in hot water. Takes about two hours to act.

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