Dippel’s Animal Oil

Acts on the nervous system , especially on pneumo-gastric region. Useful in migraine and neuralgia of spermatic cord. Burning pains and stitches. “Pulled upward” and “from behind forward” pains.

Head.–Tearing pain, with sadness and irritability; worse after dinner; relieved by rubbing. Itching, burning vesicles; better, friction. Malar bones feel pulled forcibly upward. Migraine with polyuria.

Eyes.–Smarting in eyes; misty vision. Glistening bodies before eyes. Lachrymation when eating. Short-sighted. Twitching of lids (Agar).

Nose.–Watery, excoriating discharge; worse in open air.

Face.–Feels drawn. Cramp-like pains. Twitching of lips. Malar bone feels pulled upward. Toothache, better pressing teeth together.

Mouth.–Bites cheek while eating (Caust). Tongue feels sore. Greasy feeling in mouth.

Throat.–Sore, dry, constricted. Air feels cold.

Stomach.–Sensation as if water were in stomach; of coldness, of constriction, and of burning; better, eructations.

Abdomen.–Flatulence and rumbling. Ineffectual urging stool, with burning in anus. After stool, bruised pain in abdomen.

Urine.–Polyuria. Greenish urine, frequent and urgent want to urinate, with tenesmus and scanty emission. Itching in urethra.

Male.–Desire increased; ejaculation too soon. Pain along spermatic cord to testicles. Testicles feel seized and pulled forcibly upward; worse, right. Pressure in the perineum. Prostatic hypertrophy.

Female.–Early and scanty menstruation; flow black.

Respiratory.–Chest feels constricted. Asthma from suppressed foot-sweat. Oppression. Stitches in breast from behind forward.

Extremities.–Sprained feeling in small of back. Cracking of vertebrć on raising head (Aloe, Nat c, Thuj). Restlessness. Rheumatic pain in shoulders. Fish-brine odor of sweat of heels.

Modalities.–Worse, after eating, from 2 to 9 pm. Better, by rubbing, eructation, open air.

Relationship.–Compare: Puls; Ars; Silic; Sepia.

Antidotes: Camph; Op.

Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency and higher.

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