
The bite produces tetanic effects that last several days. A picture of Angina pectoris is presented by the action of the drug. The præcordial region seems to be the center of attack. Constriction of chest muscles, with radiation to shoulders and back. Lowered coagulability.

Head.–Anxiety. Screams with pain. Pain in neck to back of head. Occipital pain.

Respiratory.–Extreme apnœa. Gasping respiration. Fears losing breath.

Chest.–Violent, præcordial pain extending to the axilla and down the arm and forearm to fingers, with numbness of the extremity. Pulse feeble and rapid. Sinking sensation at the Cramping pain from chest to abdomen.

Extremities.–Pain in left arm, feels paralyzed. Weakness of legs followed by cramps in the abdominal muscles. Paræsthesia of lower limbs.

Skin.–Coldness of whole surface. Skin cold as marble.

Relationship.–Compare: Latrodectus Hasselti-New South Wales Black Spider–(Long lasting effects seem to indicate it as a “chronic” blood poisoning. Arrests intense pain in pyæmia. Great œdema in neighborhood of wound; paralysis of limbs, with great wasting of muscles. Violent, darting, burning pains preceding paralysis; vertigo, tendency to fall forward; septicæmic conditions; constant delusion of flying. Loss of memory. Roaring noises). Araena; Mygale; Theridion; Latrodectus Kalipo -New Zealand spider–(lymphangitis and nervous twitchings, scarlet burning eruption). Triatema-Kissing bug –(Swelling with violent itching of fingers and toes. Smothering sensation and difficult breathing succeeded by fainting and rapid pulse).

Dose.–Sixth potency.


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