Head, chest and circulation are affected. Bridge of nose as if pinched. A remedy for torticollis, rheumatic symptoms about neck. Tuberculosis-light-complexioned people. Early stages, and established chest cases, with much coldness. Produces a desire to talk-a flow of language and the courage to make a speech.
Head.–Right-sided pain, extending down to jaw; head feels enlarged; worse, least noise. Scalp painful. Sleepless. Circumscribed red cheeks; scalp feels sore, as if hair was standing on end; burning in palms and soles. Bridge of nose feels as if pinched.
Chest.–Sensation of heat-bubbling and boiling around heart region rising to head.
Back.–Chilliness between the shoulder-blades; pain and stiffness in back.
Neck.–Drawn over to one side in sore throat. Rheumatism of the neck. Stiffness of neck. Pain in nape, as if dislocated.
Skin.–Body icy cold; face yellow; tendency to sweat.
Relationship.–Compare: Dulc; Bry; Puls; also Fel tauri (nape of neck pains, and great tension there).
Dose.–Third potency. Tincture in phthisis, unit doses, once or twice a week, or three drops every four hours.
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