Wonderful Homeopathic Medicines for Barber’s Itch

Wonderful Homeopathic Medicines for Barber’s Itch

Barber’s itch is mainly a type of folliculitis affecting the beard area of men. Folliculitis refers to infection or inflammation of the hair follicles. Barber’s itch is caused by infection of hair follicles of the beard by bacteria staphylococcal aureus. A condition similar to barber’s itch that affects the beard area in men is tinea barbae. However, tinea barbae is caused by a fungal infection.

Symptoms of Barber’s Itch

The symptoms of Barber’s itch include a cluster of eruptions in the beard that may be red-colored, pimple-like or pus-filled (pustular). It is attended with itchiness. Redness, burning, and inflammation of the skin is observed. The eruptions or break out is followed by crust formation. Scarring may also appear as the eruptions heal.

Homeopathic Medicines for Barber’s Itch

Homeopathy is a very safe and effective mode of treatment for Barber’s itch. Homeopathy medicines work on curing Barber’s itch rather than suppressing it. They boost the self-healing mechanism of the body and make it strong enough to fight the infection naturally. Homeopathy medicines heal the eruptions in Barber’s itch and treat the attending symptoms such as itching and burning. Top rated among Homeopathy medicines prominently indicated for Barber’s itch are Calcarea Sulph, Graphites, Phytolacca Decendra, Rhus Tox, Silicea, Sulphur, Sulphur Iodatum, Tellurium, and Thuja. The most appropriate Homeopathy medicine is selected based on the individual symptom presentation.

1. Calcarea Sulph – For Pimples under Beard that Bleed when Scratched

Calcarea Sulph is one of the most wonderful medicines for Barber’s itch where the indicating feature is pimples under the beard that discharge blood when scratched. These pimples are tender to the touch. Calcarea Sulph is also indicated in case of eruptions in the beard covered with yellowish or greenish scabs. Also, for pustular eruptions in beard discharging yellowish pus, Calcarea Sulph is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for Barber’s itch.

2. Graphites – For Sticky Discharge-oozing Pimples under Beard

Graphites is rates among the most useful medicines for Barber’s itch with pimples in the beard that ooze sticky discharge. This is followed by crust formation. Heat worsens the eruptions. Burning and stinging in the eruptions is observed. Falling of hair from the beard may also be noted.

3. Phytolacca Decendra – For Barber’s Itch with Pale Red or Dark Red Inflamed Spots

For cases where the chief symptom is pale or dark red inflamed spots in the beard, Phytolacca Decendra is an excellent choice among medicines for Barber’s itch. The spots are attended with itching. Washing worsens the inflammation. The skin in the beard area feels dry.

4. Rhus Tox – For Moist Eruptions with Thick Scabs under the Beard

Rhus Tox is one of the most suitable medicines for Barber’s itch cases where the beard area is covered with moist eruptions with thick scabs. Suppuration in eruptions may be noted. It is attended with itching. Washing with hot water may bring relief. Sweating worsens the itching as also rubbing the eruptions.

5. Silicea – For Pustular Eruptions under the Beard

In the case of pustular eruptions in the beard, Silicea is one of the most effective medicines for Barber’s itch. Discharge of offensive pus is an attending feature. The eruptions itch a lot. Itching is most prominent during the daytime or in the evenings.

6. Sulphur – For Marked Itching and Burning in Eruptions

Sulphur is among the most beneficial medicines for Barber’s itch where eruptions in beard are attended with marked itching and burning. Burning sets off when eruptions are scratched. Itching is worse mainly in the evening and night. Washing the face worsens the itching. Sulphur is also a good choice of medicine for Barber’s itch that has been suppressed with use if ointments in the past.

7. Sulphur Iodatum – For Obstinate cases of Barber’s Itch

For cases of Barber’s itch that are obstinate, Sulphur Iodatum is one of the most prominently indicated medicines. In fact, Sulphur Iodatum is almost specifically meant for such cases. It is indicated both where painful, suppurating eruptions arise under the beard and where the beard hides red, inflamed skin.

8. Tellurium and Thuja – For Barber’s Itch with Sensitive Eruptions

Tellurium and Thuja are counted among the most effective medicines for Barber’s itch and have shown remarkable recovery. Among them, Tellurium is the ideal choice where bright red pimples with very sharply defined borders are present in the beard area. Small vesicles may also be present. Thuja is mostly prescribed for sensitive eruptions in the beard. Itching and burning attend. Washing with cold water worsen the itching and burning in most cases.

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