This little animal is common in Brazil where it lives on trees and secures itself by means of its hind-feet, it uses its tail, which is pretty long, as a means of descending. Its length, from the muzzle to the tip of the tail, is about a foot; the tail is almost as long as the trunk. The upper parts of the body are covered with sharp prickles about an inch and a half long, and attached to the skin by means of a very thin pedicle. The head-prickles are white at the base, black in the middle and of a yellowish-brown at the top, the dorsal prickles are of a sulphur-yellow at their base. The prickles on the rump and the first third of the tail, are black at their extremity. All the prickles are very close together, mingled with a few long and fine hairs. The lower limbs are covered with a grayish fur, interspersed with little prickles; the tail is furnished with prickles at its upper part, and is covered with stiff and black hairs; the extremity of the tail is bare. We triturate the prickles taken from one of the sides.

Prover: Jo. Vincente Martine.

First day. Took one dose of the third trituration at 8 in the morning. 1. Desire to vomit and nausea at the sight of food, immediately. At night, sense of dryness and fullness in the stomach. Very drowsy after dinner.

Second day. -5. Wakes early. Merry and quiet dreams. Sense of fullness in the abdomen, at 5 in the morning, when lying. Diarrhoea. Transitory pains in the toes, right temple and one of the right cuspidati. 10. Pains at the lower extremity of the right forearm. Pain at the right zygoma. Pain at the first incisor. Bleeding of the gums. Pain in one half of the head. 15. Buzzing in the ears. The knees give way, likewise the tarsal joints. The toothache becomes obstinate. After dinner all the pains cease. Shuddering with chattering of the teeth. 20. Cough with pains in the chest. Stitch in the region of the heart, left side, which stops his speech for two minutes. Pain at the right arm, from the hand to the elbow, as if extending the, arm were prevented by a string. Improvement when turning the arm or lifting a weight, or moving it about; aggravation as soon as these movements cease. After breakfast, boring pain through the bones of the skull. 25. Aggravation when lying down, and improvement when walking in the open air. Pains in the stomach, as if strung together.

Third day. Quiet sleep with merry dreams; in the morning he dreams of insects and a serpent which it was difficult to kill. Painful sensation at the articulation of the jaw. Whizzing and buzzing from the left ear to the back part of the head. 30. Long lasting prickings at the zygoma. Very much disposed to write, in the morning, ceasing after breakfast. Heaviness of the head from 10 to 11. Abundant desquamation in the region of the whiskers and at the knee. The whizzing in the ears continues. 35. Acute pain in the intercostal muscles, in the evening, while riding on horseback. Prickings on the vertex from time to time, especially on the right side. Pain at the lower extremity of the forearm. Dizziness in the back part of the head when writing. Roaring in the ears, as from a distant gale. 40. Bitter mouth and throat, with salt taste. Nausea, with piercing pain in the back, for 15 minutes.

Fourth day. Boring pain through the skull-bones. Cough as the day before. General weakness. 45. Drowsy all day. Lancination in the left side of the head, through the skull-bones; inability to move the head, for three minutes. When sitting or rising, lancinating pain in the right big toe hindering walking, for two minutes. 50. Painful swelling of the abdomen, before dinner. Itching of the pubis after taking tea.

Fifth day. Disposed to yawn, with flow of saliva. Lachrymation. Stitch in the left side, for five minutes, hindering gaping. 55. Shootings in the epigastrium, for several minutes. Pain in the left side, at the moment when he attempted to gape. Acute pain from the left ear to the jaw, for two minutes. Constriction from the neck to the diaphragm, with heaviness of the head and arms. 60. Numbness for half an hour. Pain in the right side, for two minutes, as if a plug were thrust in. Pain in the urethra after urinating, worse when stooping in order to pick up something. Pain around the navel. Continued swelling and pain of the abdomen, down to the left groin. 65. Drowsy. Good appetite, Nausea after dinner. Shuddering from time to time. Heat and numbness of the feet. 70. Merry dreams, at night.

Sixth day. Itching all over, with bleeding after scratching. Pain in the right arm, as if the bones were broken, with inability to grasp anything. Deafness on the left ear, as if stopped. Inconsistent and capricious mood.

Tenth day. The scales on the head and in the whiskers are less; before, they were so thick that he did not feel either the cold or heat, and was insensible to water. Irritable, he quarrels about the least trifle. Cracks between the toes. Violent pain in the left kidney. Constant whizzing in the ears. 80. The speech is sometimes embarrassed. He discovers some gray hairs. His hair falls off. Everything is disagreeable to him; he desires to travel.



Dizziness behind the head. Capricious mood. Everything is disagreeable to him, he desires to travel. Prickings on the vertex. Darting through the left skull-bones. Hemicrania. Boring pain in the skull, after breakfast. Heaviness of the head. The hair falls off. Lachrymation. Deafness on the left ear. Whizzing in the ears. Buzzing in the ears. Pain in the articulation of the jaw. Bleeding of the gums. Pain at the right zygoma. Prickings at the zygoma. Bitter mouth, with salt taste. Nausea, with piercing pain in the back. Desire to vomit at the sight of food. Drowsy after dinner. Embarrassed speech. Constrictive pain in the stomach. Dry and full feeling at stomach, at night. Painful swelling of the abdomen, before dinner. Shootings in the epigastrium. Pain in right side as from a plug. Pain around the navel. Violent pain in the left kidney. Sense of fullness in the abdomen. Pain in the urethra, after urinating, worse when stooping. Itching of the pubis, after taking tea. Cough with pain in the chest. Stitch at the heart. Constriction from the neck to the diaphragm. Pain in the intercostal muscles. Pain in right arm, as if broken. Pains at lower end of the right forearm. Pain at the right arm, as if the stretching were prevented by a string. The knees give way. Heat and numbness of the feet. Cracks between the toes. Lancing pain in the right big toe. Yawning. Morning-dream about a serpent. Merry dreams. Shuddering. Shuddering, with chattering of the teeth. Desquamation at the whiskers. Itching all over, with bleeding after scratching. Pains in the toes, right temple. Feels better in the open air.


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