This bush is common in the fields around Rio-Janeiro, where it blossoms the whole year. Its branches are erect, somewhat sarmentose, slightly pubescent at their extremities, with alternate, glabrous, somewhat undulate leaves. Flowers small, scattered over long axillary or terminal spikes; perianth persistent, herbaceous, with four linear divisions. Stamens four, alternate with the divisions of the perianth and a little taller. A single ovary, surmounted by a style, divided into ten reflexed stigmata. Capsule flattened, containing a single seed. The roots are branching and very fibrous; they smell strongly of garlic. We employ the recent root.

Prover: Dr. Manuel Duarte Moreira.

1. Merry, disposed to sing. Deep sleep, longer than usual, for the first three days. Drowsy all day, with frequent yawning, but no desire to lie down. Insignificant or unpleasant dreams, scarcely recollected on waking. 5. Sleeps longer, the first day. Headache, on waking. Sleepy with yawning, after breakfast, the first day. Drowsy after dinner, but no sleep, second day. Shuddering all over, sweat; the hair stands on end, second day, 9 in the morning. 10. Heaviness of the head on waking, eight hours after taking the drug. Weight at the vertex, which seems to press on the brain, with heaviness of the eyelids and difficulty of opening them, without sleep. Deep-seated and dull pain in the upper part of the brain, worse when touched, talking or sitting; less when walking or moving about, first day. Same symptom on the second day, but less. Sense of fullness in the head, second day. 15. Sense of fullness in the head, as if it would split, especially after twelve o’clock, on the third day. Sensation as if hot water were thrown on the hairy scalp, penetrating to the brain, second day. The headache disappears on the third day, it becomes lighter and changes. Sight feebler and dimmer than usual. Painful heat at the margin of the eyelids, worse when closing the eyes. 20. Dim sight after dinner, second day. Fetid breath. Sensation in the throat as if one had swallowed some astringent substance. Sensation in the mouth and throat as if one had eaten some acrid and resinous fruit, second day, in the morning. Dull pain in the bowels and hypogastrium, second day. 25. Constipation for three days. Copious urination, in the morning. Light-colored, watery urine, without smell or sediment, third day. Violent lancinations under the right breast, at each inspiration. Slight pain at the sternum, when stooping. 30. The voice becomes hoarse from much coughing. Weariness and numbness of the left arm, with pain in the humero-cubital articulation, first day. Numbness of the tips of the fingers, especially the ring-finger. Sensation at the middle of the right thigh as if bitten by an ant; itching and heat after scratching. Cramp in the calves during the night, second day.

Second prover: Mlle. Norma, 21 years old, sanguine temperament, good constitution, pale face, melancholy disposition, chestnut-colored hair. 35. Disposed to laugh and jest, first day. Sad, desires to weep; shortly after, involuntary weeping, sixth day, morning. Long, deep sleep, the first three days. Sleeps all day, with frequent gaping, but no desire to lie down. Dreams about quarrelling, she does not recollect her dreams on waking. 40. First day, sleeps longer than usual in the morning. Headache on waking. Somnolence after breakfast, with gaping, first day. Drowsy after dinner, second day. Sad dreams about sick persons in her family, fifth day. 45. Profuse, cold sweat, and chilliness all over, with shuddering after the first sleep, sixth day. Shuddering throughout her body, when lying down. Febrile heat, pale face, cold hands, on the evening of the sixth day. Two small dark-yellow spots on the neck. Headache, with a small and feeble pulse; heat in the face, especially on the right cheek, which is felt very intensely, though the skin feels cool, first day. 50. Painful stitch in the forehead, worse when opening the eyes, with external heat of the head on the first day, at 2 in the afternoon. Stabbing sensation in the right temple, first day, at 3 in the afternoon. Dull pain, with beating in the left temple, third day. Aching pain in the temples. Pain in the forehead, with compressive sensation in the brain, aggravated by walking. 55. Eyes half closed, swollen externally, surrounded by blue margins, especially near the nose, for three days. Weight on the eyelids constraining her to close her eyes; in this state she sees a variety of figures, sixth day. The veins of the nose are swollen and bluish. Redness and heat of the left ear, for some minutes, third day. Stomach-ache with sensation of coldness internally. 60. Acute and seated pain in the whole stomach, when rising from a chair, suffocation, with cold feet, which obliges her to remain in bed, on the evening of the sixth day. Pains in the muscles of the superior and inner side of the elbow, like stings of ants. Contusive pain in the arms and legs. Heaviness and weariness of the limbs, sixth day, morning. 65. Numbness of the lower limbs, with aversion to exercise. Contusive pain in the arms and legs, sixth day. Cold feet, in bed, morning.

Third prover: Mlle. Silvia, 20 years old, sanguine temperament, good constitution, gay disposition. Disposed to sing. Regular and deep sleep, longer than usual, the first three days. 70. Sleeps all day, with frequent yawning, but no desire to lie down. Unpleasant dream which she does not recollect on waking. Wakes at 4 in the morning, falls asleep again a quarter of an hour afterwards. Light and disturbed sleep, after breakfast, first day, 9 in the morning. Deep sleep at 10, same day. Deep sleep, second day. 75. General prostration, with disposition to lie down, but no sleep, third day, 9 in the morning. Sad dreams, which she does not recollect. No sleep in bed. Profuse and cold sweat, after her first sleep. Prickings at the right shoulder, followed by inflammatory redness for 15 minutes. 80. Lancinations or shootings through the whole body, as if needles were stuck in; followed by itching from the elbow to the hands, with small violet-colored spots on the arm, back and feet, second day. Pain at the outer part of the left arm, with a large, red, inflamed spot like erysipelas. Heat on the surface of the body as from exposure to the sun, the feet being cold. Pain at the vertex, as from a blow, dull pain on the top of the head, left side, worse when turning the head or walking, second day, 11 o’clock in the morning. Benumbing and deep-seated pain with pressure, in the temples, and dull pain on the vertex, second day. 85. At the moment if lying down in bed, explosion in the head, the noise passing through the ears, third day. Deep-seated pain, at times in the forehead, at times in the nape of the neck. Aversion to exercise, she wants to remain quiet. Laming numbness of the arm and legs, fifth day, morning. Heaviness in the forehead, when stooping, here and there, sixth day, noon. 90. Weight in the eyes, and prostration as from sleepiness, without however being sleepy. Sensitiveness to the light of day. Redness of the conjunctiva, especially near the internal angle of the left eye. Sudden inflammation of the left eye at dinner, continuing for three days. The flame of the candle looks yellow, and seems surrounded by a red halo. 95. Redness of the wing of the nose and left cheek, third day. Frequent sneezing after 12, fifth day. Redness on the left cheek. Sharp lancinations in the epigastrium from within outwards, fifth day, evening. Lancination in the stomach after dinner, seventh day. 100. Pain in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing saliva. Catarrh from the third to the fifth day. When lying down, sensation in the spine as if she had strained it by lifting a heavy weight, first and second day, evening; the pain is aggravated by raising herself again or by inclining backwards, and disappears when she inclines forwards. Numbness at the wrist, along the course of the cubital nerve, with sensitiveness to contact, second day, evening. Shooting throughout the body, followed by itching at the back part of the forearm, second day, morning. 105. Redness and intense inflammation at the outer part of the left forearm, second day, 11 in the morning. Burning pain at the left radius, with contusive sensation when touched, third day. Violent itching of the ball of the left thumb, followed by inflammatory swelling, third day, evening. Weariness of the arms and legs, and numbness as after a long walk, fourth day, morning. Painful numbness at the outer parts of the arms and legs. 110. Cold feeling in the interior of the bones, fourth day, noon. Numbness of the anus and legs, with deep-seated pain at times in the forehead, at others in the nape of the neck, with aversion to motion, fifth day, morning. Excessive coldness penetrating to the bones, hands and feet, seventh day. Sudden numbness of the knees, with dull pain in the tibia, first day, noon. Acute and lancinating pain in the metatarsal bone, which corresponds to the left little toe. 115. Painful pricking in the left fifth toe, eighth day, morning, a few moments after, the same toe feels as if it would turn round from above downwards.

Fourth prover: Miss Celia, 17 years old, sanguine temperament, good constitution, pale face, cheerful disposition, auburn hair. Evanescent and confused ideas. Want of memory. Passing recollection, which escape from her mind without her thinking of it. Sadness unto tears, with headache, second day. 120. Deep sleep, commencing early, and lasting longer than usual, for three days. Drowsy all day, with frequent yawning, but no desire to lie down. Unpleasant dreams which she does not recollect on waking. Quiet sleep in spite of the disturbing dreams which she forgets on waking, second day. Prostration as from sleepiness, without desiring to sleep. 125. Dreams about dead bodies, she wakes with a start and cold sweat all over her body. Sensation as if the finger were pressed on the right temple, with sensitiveness to contact, second day, noon. Lancinating pain in the right temple, suddenly shifting to the left temple and thence to the vertex, where a burning sensation is experienced, second day. Pain and heat in the forehead, with pressure on the eyes, second day, three in the afternoon. Dull pain at the root of the nose, evening. 130. Numbness and compressive sensation as if a warm bandage were wrapped round the head. General prostration as from sleepiness. The voice seems to come from afar. The body seems insensible when she is lying down, and she feels as if in a swoon. When walking she feels as if she did not touch the soil, and as though she would fall. 135. Painfulness of the eyes, as if the eyeballs were driven out of the orbits by some foreign body. Sensation as if the head were full of warm water. Sadness, tears ; in her sadness she remains seated, motionless, speechless (all these symptoms occurred within an hour, second day, after 12). Headache, with weight on the eyes, second day. Sensation as if stung by ants under the left lower eyelid. 140. Nose slightly inflamed and shining. Dull pain at the root of the nose, on the evening of the first day. Pain at the left wing of the nose, which spreads to the opposite side, followed by bloating on the dorsum of the nose, second day, at noon. Sense of heat in the face, though the skin feels cool. Sensation as if a needle had been stuck in the upper lip from within outwards, eleventh day, on rising in the morning. 145. Toothache. Dry mouth. Burning tongue as from hot water, on rising from bed. On going to bed, flow of watery and cold saliva, depositing an ash-colored sediment and whitish granulations, which taste and smell like bile, but are not bitter. Sharp end lancinating pain striking through the spleen from below upwards, second day. 150. Slight colic in the descending colon. From 11 in the morning until evening she urinates every five minutes, with beat in the urethra, second day. She urinates three or four times an hour, without pain, third day. Urine colorless, en the following days. Tightness and beating in the region of the heart, fourth day, evening. 155. Deep-seated and dull pains in the chest, under the sternum. Dull pain in the posterior cervical region, when moving, the neck, second day, noon. In the right wrist joint she feels an internal, sharp pain which seems to be more violent externally. A similar pain is felt at the left wrist, but less intense. Pain from the humero-cubital articulation to the wrist. 160. Numbness at the posterior and internal part of the forearm. Sharp pain, and sensation of painful roughness at the forearm, first day, evening. Pain in the right hand, from the circumference to the center. Sudden pain at the left little finger, striking through the whole forearm, becoming seated at the humero-cubital articulation and increasing gradually, with sensation of constriction, second day, morning. Shooting, and itching at the internal and upper part of the forearm, second day, morning. 165. Pains in the last fingers of the right hand as if they had been struck with a hammer, second day, noon. Sweat in the palm of the hands, second day, evening. Twisting sensation in the scapulo-humeral articulation, when stooping, third day. Sense of paralysis in the forearms and the phalangeal articulations, the fingers feeling numb, third day, evening. Heat in the skin of the arm, as if slightly burnt, after rubbing the hand over it. 170. Slight crampy pain in the tendons of the palms of the hands, and in the forepart of the *rist. Similar pain in the. tendons of the ring-fingers, sixth day. Renewed crampy pain in the hands, ninth day. Cramp in the right ring-finger, tenth day. Slight cramps in the hands, twelfth day. 175. Numbness from the knee to the sole of the foot, where it becomes seated, first day, noon. Weakness and numbness of the legs, especially when rising, first day, after 12 in the day-time. Weakness in the legs and knees when stooping. Weakness in the legs, so that the knees give way, second day, after 12. Pain at the forepart of the tibia, as from a blow. 180. Contusive pain at the calf, aggravated by contact. Dullness of the sentient faculty when lying, as if the body were numb.

Fifth prover: Miss Nina, 14 years old, sanguine temperament, cheerful disposition, red face, auburn hair. The least cause excites her mirth; she would like to sing. Regular sleep, generally longer than the three first days. Drowsy all day, with frequent yawning, without any desire to go to bed. Dreams which she is unable to recollect. Lachrymation, with sensation as of sand in the eyes. Urine more profuse and of a lighter color. Numbness of the right arm.

Sixth prover: Mr. Cyprien Huet, 51 years old, sanguine temperament, robust constitution, serious disposition, red conjunctiva, weak sight, redness of the margin of the eyelids. Very gay. He laughs and sings all day. Deep sleep, commencing sooner and ending later than usual, for four days. uarrelsome dreams, second day. Violet-colored spots elongated horizontally, on the right hypochondrium. Dull pain at a point on the hairy scalp, and pressure at the occiput on the right side. 195. Boring pain at the top of the forehead, second day. Contusive pain at the zygomata. Violent lancinations in the upper part of the forehead and in the left side of the head, for one minute, second day, noon. Pain in the upper part of the left parietal bone, as if the skull would split. Boring pains in the right upper lid, first day. 200. Dull pain at the right eye, as from a blow, relieved by pressure, second day, noon. Slight pain in the nose. Intense and sudden itching on the dorsum of the nose. Stoppage of the right ear, with hard hearing. Contusive pains in the outer parts of the orbits. 205. Sensation as of a pustule on the cheek, of the size of a pea, for some seconds. Violent itching at the same place. Sensation in the throat as from swallowing some astringent substance. Borborygmi when lying down, second day, morning. Lancination in the hypochondria. 210. Mucous diarrhoea, dark-colored, mixed with faecal matter in hard and single fragments, third day. Light-colored and copious urine, second and third day. Dry heat in the palms of the hands, for several days. Sense of contusion in the muscles of the right forearm, at the inner side between the radius and cubitus, first day, morning. Crampy pain in the muscles of the right hand, especially at the thumb, first day, morning. 215. Dull pain and numbness, as is experienced when pressing the brachial nerve where it passes over the internal condyle of the humerus ; aggravated by contact, first day, noon. Violent crampy pain in the muscles of the palm of the right hand, for five minutes. Crampy pain in the left little finger. Numbness of the fingers of the right hand for several hours, first day, after 12. Lancination and heat at the tip of the right thumb, as if there were a whitlow, extending to the first phalangeal articulation. 220. Heaviness and numbness of the extremities, first day, evening. Contusive pain at the forearm. Itching at the last fingers. Numbness of the extremities after rising from bed, second day, three different times. Itching in the palm of the left hand. 225. Pain in the external middle part of the right forearm, as if needles were thrust in. A similar feeling at the left arm, but less distinct. On rising from bed, in the morning, numbness and itching at the right foot, first day. Dull pain in the knee-joint and bend of the knee, especially the first day. Numbness and slight itching of the right leg, down to the foot, second day, noon. 230. Slight, acute and circumscribed pains in the groins, repeatedly and at intervals. Heat in the loins, second day. Dry heat all over, especially in the palms of the hands. General weakness, every morning after rising from bed.



MENTAL, MORAL, HEAD: 1. Sad. Sad, motionless, speechless. Confused ideas. Merry, disposed to sing. 5. Boring pain at the top of the forehead. Lancinations in forehead and left side of the hand. Splitting pain in left parietal bone. Pain and head in forehead, with pressure on the eyes. Numbness and compressive sensation at the head as from a warm bandage. 10. Sensation as if the finger were pressed on the right temple. Lancing pain in the temples, shifting to the vertex where she feels a burning. Pain at vertex, as from a blow. Numb pain, with pressure, in the temples. Heaviness in the forehead when stooping. 15. Headache, with small pulse and hot face. Painful stitch in forehead, worse when opening the eyes. Stabbing sensation in right temple. Dull, beating pain in left temple. Compressive pain in forepart of head. 20. Headache on waking. Heaviness of the head, also at the vertex. Sense of fullness in the head, as if it would split. Sense as if hot water were thrown on the hairy scalp. Deep-seated pain in upper part of the brain, less when walking about. 25. Dull pain at a point on the hairy scalp.

EYES, &c.: Lachrymation and feeling as of sand in the eyes. Boring pains in right upper lid. Dull pain at the right eye as from a blow. Pain as if the eyes were driven out. 30. Stinging under the left lower lid. Redness of the conjunctiva. The flame of the candle looks yellow. Eyes half closed, bloated. Weight at the eyelids, she has to close them and then sees figures. 35. Dimness of sight. Painful burning at the margin of the eyelids. Toothache. Sense of heat in the face. Itching of the dorsum of the nose. 40. Nose inflamed, shining. Pain at the alae nasi, followed by bloating of the dorsum of the nose. Stoppage of the right ear. Report in the ears when lying down. The left ear is hot and red.

MOUTH, STOMACH, &c.: 45. Stitching in the upper lip. Dry mouth. Burning in the tongue. Flow of saliva in the evening, with ash-colored sediment and granulations tasting like bile. Sore throat with difficulty of swallowing saliva. 50. Astringent sensation in the throat. Lancinations in the epigastrium and stomach. Stomach-ache, with cold feeling internally. Acute pain in stomach when rising from a chair. Circumscribed pains in the groins. 55. Rumbling. Lancing pain in the spleen. Dull pain in bowels.

STOOL: Constipation. Slimy diarrhoea. 60. She urinates every five minutes, with heat in the urethra. Light-colored urine.

BRONCHIAL: Cough with hoarseness. Suffocation, with cold feet, in bed. Fetid breath. 65. Pain at the sternum when stooping. Deep-seated pain under the sternum. Tightness and beating in the region of the heart.

EXTREMITIES: Heat in the loins. Twisting sensation at the shoulder-blade, when stooping. 70. Sensation in the spine as if strained when lying down. Prickings at right shoulder, followed by inflammatory redness. The left arm feels weary and numb. Pain at left arm, with large, red, inflamed spot. Burning pain at left radius. 75. Inflammatory redness at left forearm. Sense of paralysis at the forearm and phalanges. Shootings and itching at the inner forearm. Numbness at the inside of the forearm. Sharp pain and rough feeling at the forearm. 80. Pain in the forearm. Contusive sensation at right forearm. Pricking pain at the outer and middle part of the right forearm. Numbness of the right fingers. Stinging pains at the elbow. $5. Numbness at the wrist with sensitiveness to contact. Internal sharp pain in right wrist. Crampy pain in the palm of the hand. Sweaty in the palms of the hands. Pain in the fingers of the right hand, as from a blow. 90. Pain in the right hand. Dry heat in the palms of the hands. Crampy pain in the muscles of the right hand. Numbness of the tips of the fingers. Itching and inflammatory swelling of the ball of the left thumb. Cramp in the ring-finger. 95. Sudden pain from the little finger to the extent of the forearm, with constriction at the elbow. Darting and heat at the tip of the right thumb. Numbness of the lower limbs. Biting sensation at right thigh, with itching and smarting after scratching. Cramp in the calves, at night. 100. Numbness of the legs, also with weakness. Contusive pain at the calf. Numbness and itching of the right leg. Sudden numbness of the knees. Dull pain in the knee joint. 105. Lancing pain in the metatarsal bone. Painful pricking in the left fifth toe, ‘followed by a sensation as if it would turn.

SLEEP: Drowsy, yawning. Deep sleep. Drowsy after breakfast and dinner. 110. Light sleep. Sad dreams about sick persons. Dreams about quarrelling. Unpleasant dreams. Sad dreams. 115. Dreams about dead bodies, she wakes with a start and covered with cold sweat. Quarrelsome dreams.

FEVER: Febrile heat, pale face, cold hands. Heat all over. Dry heat all over. 120. Shuddering all over. Cold feeling in the bones. Profuse cold sweat and chilliness, first part of the night.

CUTANEOUS: Violet-colored spots on the right hypochondrium. Two yellow spots on the neck.

GENERAL: 125. Heaviness and numbness of the extremities. Weakness every morning. The body feels insensible when lying down, as if in a swoon. Prostration. Dartings through the whole body, followed, by itching and violet-colored spots on the arm, back and feet. 130. Numbness of the arms and legs. Contusive pain in the arms and legs. Heaviness of the limbs.

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