This substance, which has been used for some years past as manure, is found on the coasts of Patagonia and principally on the Lobos Island near the coast of Peru. We have proved the different varieties of guano, and likewise the crystalline particles formed by the condensation of ammonical vapors which rise from the guano in abundance. Our hope to discover in these crystals a more active normal agent, has not been realized, so that, in the end, we have found tho freshest possible guano preferable for medicinal purposes. It is triturated in the same way as all other substances.
First day. 1. Internal shuddering for three minutes in the morning. Violent headache. Pain in the forehead when inclining the head forward, at 6 o’clock in the morning. Violent itching at the back, and painful smarting after scratching, at 7 o’clock in the morning. 5. Formication in the right nasal fossa, at 7 and a half o’clock. Pain with pinching behind the ears, at 8 o’clock in the morning. Dizziness, objects turn from below upward, at 9 o’clock in the morning. Nausea with profuse flow of saliva. Pale face with faint feeling, at noon. 10. Lassitude, at half past two in the afternoon. Desire to vomit, at half past two in the afternoon. While eating, pain at the pit of the stomach and desire to vomit. Profuse sweat all over, after eating. Aching in the forehead and temples, worse when stooping, at half past three. 15. Pain at the styloid process of the left wrist. Pain in the lungs which stops the breathing, for three minutes. Swelling of the right index-finger. Itching of the genital organs. Water feels extremely cold to the hands, they feel like ice when keeping them in the water a little longer. 20. Pain at the feet which prevents one from pressing them to the ground, at 5 o’clock in the evening. Red spot, with itching at the back, and smarting pain after scratching. Violent headache as if the head were incased in iron.
Second day. Beating at the left commissure of the lips, at 6 o’clock in the morning. Itching in the right nostril and frequent sneezing, for one hour, at half past 6 o’clock. 25. Great weakness. She remains at the spot where she happened to have located herself.
Third day. Painful ganglion on the left arm, with redness and itching; when scratching the arm, it remains insensible until the skin was off; lasts for half an hour, at 6 o’clock in the morning. Headache: he feels as if the head were opened, at 8 o’clock in the morning. Smarting ganglion below the right calf, hindering walking, and lasting until night.
Fourth day. -30. Nausea, one cannot bear seeing persons eat, at 7 o’clock in the morning. Painful ganglion at the left elbow. Small itching pimples. Violent beating of the heart; feeble breathing, for five minutes. Large hard and red place on the back, with pricklings as from a thousand pins. This sensation commences at 9 o’clock and lasts all night.
Fifth day. -35. Profuse sweat on the arms and hands; the skin on the thighs is insensible; a prick is not felt; for two days they are covered with little pimples. Cramp at the pit of the stomach before eating.
Sixth day. Violent pain at the right knee, as though pieces of flesh would be torn from him, at 7 o’clock in the morning. Burning under the soles of the feet, she cannot keep her shoes on. Cramp at the left thumb, for an instant.
Seventh day. -40. Sensation as if the gums were cut with pen-knives, after which they bleed for half an hour, at 6 o’clock in the morning. Formication in the right nostril, for five minutes, at 10 o’clock. Sensation of hammering in the nape of the neck, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Pain in the abdomen as if pierced by sharp points, at 9 o’clock in the evening.
Eighth day. Tongue white and thickly coated. 45. Bitter bilious taste in the mouth, at 6 o’clock in the morning. Deep sleep. She dreams that she is playing with wild beasts.
HEAD, &c.: 1. Dizziness, objects turn from below upward. Headache. Headache as if the head were encased in iron. Headache as if the head would split. 5. Aching pain in forehead and temples. Pain in forehead when inclining the head forward. Pale face, with faint feeling. Pinching pain behind the ears. Cutting in the gums, followed by bleeding. 10. Tongue coated white. Beating at the left commissure of the lips. Formication in right nasal fossa. Itching in right nostril, with sneezing.
GASTRIC, &c.: Bilious taste in mouth. 15. Cramp at pit of stomach before eating. Nausea, cannot bear seeing people eat. Pain at pit of stomach, with desire to vomit, while eating. Sweat all, over, after eating. Nausea, with flow of saliva. 20. Desire to vomit. Sharp piercing-sticking pain in abdomen. Itching of the genital organs. Palpitation of the heart. Pain in the lungs, arresting the breathing.
EXTREMITIES, &c.: 25. Hammering sensation in nape of neck. Itching of the back, with smarting after scratching. The hands feel like ice in cold water. Pain at the left wrist. Swelling of the right index-finger. 30. Cramp at the left thumb. Burning at the soles. Pain at the feet when pressing them to the ground. Pain at right knee, as if the flesh would be torn off. Internal shuddering, in the morning. 35. She dreams that she is playing wild beasts. Itching, red spot on the back. Hard and red spot on the back, with pricklings. Smarting ganglion below the right calf. Painful ganglion on left arm, with redness. 40. Weakness, no desire to stir. Lassitude. Profuse sweat on the arms and hands, with insensibility of the skin and little pimples.
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by "GUANO AUSTRALIS - by Benoît Mure "and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date.
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We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered’ incurable ‘ on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the medicines mentioned in the posts ,including services mentioned at "" should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider.
Testimonials Disclaimer– : Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. The testimonials are real, and these patients have been treated with homeopathy treatment from our clinic . However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, Medicine can do with their disease contions and should not be taken as average or typical results.