We commence the publication of our provings by the symptoms of the Crotalus Cascavella, not so much on account of the importance of the symptoms which the poison of this dangerous reptile produces on the healthy body; but because the unfortunate experiment which was attempted a few years ago, on a sick person, offers a fair opportunity of contrasting the hazardous and uncertain results of a merely clinical experimentation, with the positive advantages of Hahnemann’s method of proving.

A popular notion, and the therapeutics of the Old-School was gradually built up of such notions, attributed to the poison of the crotalus cascavella, the power of curing the elephantiasis of the Greeks, a malady which, in Brazil, goes by the name of morphea, or Lazarus’-evil. A disciple of Hahnemann might have verified this belief without any difficulty, and without endangering human life. But the Old-School who does not acknowledge our method of proving, had to remain in doubt about this curative virtue of the cascavella, until a patient and physician would be found sufficiently bold and logical to apply to a frightful disease a still more frightful remedy. Mariano Jose Machado, fell a victim to his heroic attempt, and, by his death, dis sipated the illusory hopes founded on the curative virtue of the poison of the cascavella. Now what conclusion shall we draw from this fact? That the practitioner who advised the attempt, has been imprudent and censureable? God forbid that we should commit such an act of injustice. A patient has succumbed to a clinical experiment; let us honor the heroic courage with which he braved the serpent’s bite; let us honor the zeal of the practitioner, who persuaded him to risk a few years of a loathsome existence for the chance, though uncertain, of a cure. The unhappy Machado has been saved a few years of cruel suffering; but what a joy it would have afforded him and .his miserable fellow-sufferers, if the remedy for their loathsome disease had been known! what a glory it would have been to the physician who should have conducted thorn to the haven of relief !*

(* This case has been reported in detail, in the Medical Gazette of Paris, of the 5th of January, 1839, by the attending physicians, Maia and Reis. We transcribe it for the benefit of our readers.

Mariano Jose Machado, fifty years old, of athletic form, bilious-sanguine temperament, was afflicted with elephantiasis leontina Alibert. The whole body, especially the extremities, were insensible. The skin and the cellular tissue were thickened, hard, rugose and covered with tubercles which wore somewhat raised but not ulcerated. A few pustules under the arms, looked like itch-pustules, and seemed to indicate a complication with this disease. The epidermis and nails began to alter, and the fingers had lost their normal shape. Internally, the patient: felt quite well, enjoying both vigor of mind and body. After six years of suffering, he had come to the determination to try this dreadful experiment, which would either lead to death or a deliverance from his horrible affliction.

On the morning of the fourth of September, at fifty minutes past cloven o’clock, he was bit by a rattle-snake, the crotalus cascavella, in the two last fingers near the metacarpus. He felt neither the bite, nor the poison as it penetrated into the wound. A few drops of blood came out of the wound, and the hand began immediately to swell. In five minutes: slight feeling of coldness in the hands. Twelve o’clock : slight pain in the hollow of the hands. Twenty minutes: the hand swells a good deal. Thirty minutes : swelling of the jugular veins. Alteration of the features. Formication in the face. Fifty-five minutes: the sense of swelling extends through the whole forearm. Twenty minutes past one: trembling of the whole body. Thirty-six minutes past one: the head is affected, with frequent pulse, difficulty of moving the lips, disposition to slumber, constriction of the throat, violent pain in the whole arm , the hand swells more and more. Thirty-eight minutes past one: sense of chilliness; the patient covers himself. Forty-eight minutes past one: pain in the tongue and larynx, increased pains and swelling of the bitten hand; sense of coldness in the feet. Twenty-five minutes past two: difficulty of swallowing, anguish, copious sweat on the chest. Fifty minutes: weakness of the arms, nosebleed, anguish, now and then, restlessness, pulse 96. In three hours and forty minutes: pulse 100. Fifteen minutes: intensely violent pains in the arms, restlessness. Thirty minutes: pulse 98, red face, continual bleeding of the nose. Thirty-five minutes: the patient drinks sonic wine and water without any difficulty, and changes his linen which was all wet from the perspiration. Intense redness all over. In four hours: pulse 100, tho whole of the skin, especially on tho bitten arm, is very red, violent pains in both arms, which do not leave the patient any rest, constriction of the throat, impeded respiration. Fifty minutes: pulse 104,–the body is very hot all over, flow of saliva. In five hours, thirty minutes: torpor, copious emission of urine, thick, viscid saliva, which it is difficult to get out of the mouth, muscular debility, frequent moaning on account of the pains which lie feels in the whole body, quiet breathing, pulse full and frequent, skin soft, the bitten hand swells enormously. In seven hours: somnolence with moaning, after waking the pains in the arms are less, but he experiences violent pains in the chest, sensation of a lump in his throat, copious emission of urine, grant difficulty of swallowing, white, viscid saliva, discharge of a bloody liquid from the nose, inability to swallow a drink composed of water, sugar and brandy.–ln eight hours: the sweating abates, restlessness, moaning, emission of urine. In nine hours, ten minutes : the moaning ceases, deep sleep. In ten hours: takes an infusion of guaco, pulse 108, the bloody discharge from the nose ceases, shriveling of the tuberculous formations on the arms and in the face, they exhibit an erysipelatous redness. In ten hours, twenty minutes emits two ounces of a natural urine, a few minutes quiet sleep, without moaning. In ten hours, forty minutes: the pains abate a good deal, but he complains of pains in the thighs and feet, where he had felt a considerable coldness until now, pulse 108, ordinary thirst, the patient sits up in order to drink, and swallows the drink with ease. In eleven hours: takes four spoonfuls of a strong infusion of guaco. In eleven hours, forty-five minutes: emits a deeply-colored urine, pulse 110, the bitten hand and arm are very much inflamed and intensely painful, restlessness. In twelve hours: quiet sleep, disturbed by eructations, pulse 112, emission of urine. In twelve hours, thirty minutes: restlessness, screams, despair. In twelve hours, forty minutes: emission of urine, pulse 110, sensation of burning heat in the legs, which he uncovers. –In thirteen hours: emission of urine, quiet, he takes an infusion of guaco. In fourteen hours: he sits up in bed, and drinks water, during which ho moves about violently and screams. In fifteen hours: emission of urine, the swelling of the lower lips abates, the salivation ceases. In fifteen hours, forty-five minutes: pulse 110, involuntary motion of the right thumb and left foot. In seventeen hours; the patient feels very sick, pulse 100, frequent moaning. In nineteen hours: excessive debility, involuntary motion of the lower jaw, and lower extremities, bloody urine. In twenty hours: accelerated, intermitting pulse, increase of the convulsive motions, the swelling of the extremities, and the redness of the skin are less, ex-Items difficulty of swallowing, anxious respiration. In twenty hours, fifty minutes: diminution of the convulsive motions. In twenty hours, filly-five minutes: the convulsions cease. In twenty-one hours: he takes an ounce of lizard-oil, which he swallows with difficulty. In twenty-one hours, thirty minutes: death. In a few minutes, the blue-colored body, swell considerably. Twenty-three hours after death, the body had swollen enormously, was covered with blue and red spots, and smelt so horridly that no post-mortem examination could be made. HEMPEL.)

However, a homicide has been committed on this occasion, and though the perpetrators may be free from blame, yet we may justly condemn the deceitful science that has to resort to such dangerous practices, in order to augment its resources and enlarge its boundaries. Like unto the vile poisoner who, when his poisons fail him, resorts to the stiletto, as a means of gratifying his cupidity or his ambition, allopathy sacrifices human life, and, like him, will have an ignominious end. The solemn homicide, which was committed a few years ago in this capital in the name of science, may be of use to the world, by hastening the glorious recog-Tilden of the homoeopathic healing art, in these distant regions. If it was permitted as recently as four years ago, when the name of Hahnemann was scarcely known in this country, to kill a man for the purpose of trying a drug, we venture to say that, at this period, nobody would either dare to propose or accept such a murderous practice.

It will be seen, in studying the symptoms which we have obtained from the poison of the crotalus, that there are very few among them which resemble the tuberculous lepra, and that this terrible malady will, therefore, have to be cured by some other means. Fortunately, homoeopathy teaches us the method of discovering a suitable remedy in the place of the crotalus poison, which we now know has to be abandoned as a remedy for lepra, and the success which we have already obtained, enables us to indulge the hope, that the Brazilian lepra, as well as the elephantiasis of the Arabs, will soon disappear entirely, under the operation of the suitable dynamised homeopathic agent.

The crotalus will become a useful adjunct to the lachesis proved by Doctor Hering; it is my belief that it affects the organism longer and more thoroughly than the latter, and will effect many cures which had to remain incomplete under the use of lachesis.

The serpent from which this poison has been extracted, was caught in the province of Ceara. In this operation I was aided by the young practitioner who alone, four years ago, had protested against the dangerous experiment which was made in the hospital of the leprous patients, of which he was at that time chief physician. His noble heart revolted against the practice of risking human life, for the sake of a medical doctrine, and, soon after, he imitated the glorious example which Hahnemann had set him fifty years previous, by abandoning a lucrative practice, and the direction of two hospitals. Having first protested against the bite which the reptile was caused to inflict upon his patient, he now voluntarily exposed his own life for the purpose of extracting the poison, which was to be suitably attenuated in order to convert it into a curative agent. Several drops of the poison spirted on his face, and might have ended his life, if tho inner corner of the eye had been touched as I first feared it was. At this day, when his suspicions have been abundantly confirmed by the physiological provings, Dr. J. V. Martins, is one of the firmest adherents of our rising School. May he live to see the error which he had instinctively rejected, completely extinguished by the brilliant light of medical truth.

This terrible serpent is found in the province of Ceara, whence it was brought to Rio Janeiro. This species generally attains a length of from four to five feet but the animal from which the poison was taken for our provings, was three feet long. Its oval-triangular head one hall of which is provided with shields, shows a round depression in front of the eyes, which are covered with a large elliptical shield, serving as a lid. The body is big, conical, its movements are sluggish; its upper surface is covered with scales, the dorsal scales being keeled and somewhat lanceolate, the scales of the tail being quadrangular and smaller. The belly is provided with one hundred and seventy large transversal plates; there are twenty-five plates belonging to the tail, the three first of which are divided in shields. The extremity of the tail is furnished with seven or eight capsules of the consistence of parchment which, when agitated, produce a shrill sound. The color of the crotalus is a yellowish-brown, much lighter under the belly, with twenty-four or twenty-six regular long rhomboidal lines on each side of the back. When irritated and during the excessive heat, the crotalus spreads a very fetid musk-like odor. The molar teeth which are few in number, but long and excessively poisonous, are inserted in exceedingly dilatable jaws. Everybody knows that tho poison of this reptile acts with a frightful intensity; and it was not without great danger that Doctors Mure and Martins succeeded in obtaining a few drops of it, by compressing from the living animal the gland which secretes it.



1. First day: Heavy pain in the back part of the orbit, and at the left eyebrow.–Second day: Pain under the right orbit and at the forehead, right side. Third day: Dry cough with tickling in the throat, at night. Fourth day: Headache extending over the forehead and then the rest of the head. 5. Fifth day: Smell all day, like that of the crotalus, insipid, nauseous, like the odor perceived in a hospital. Sixth day: Lancinations in various parts of the body. Seventh day: Contraction with pressure at the right eyeball which felt as if drawn out. Eighth day: Yellowish diarrhoea. Ninth day: Pain in the middle of the forehead. 10. Tenth day: Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder. Eleventh day: Rheumatic pain in the left wrist. Twelfth day: Violent cramps in the heel.



(The drug is taken at 10 o’clock in the evening.)

Spitting of black blood. 15. Prickling all over the body. Starting during sleep. Sleeplessness. Fright at night, without knowing about what. 20. Sleep in the morning. The tip of the nose is drawn up as by a string which is fastened to a central point of the forehead. Tingling in the throat. Salt taste in the mouth which cannot be removed by drinking sugarwater. 25. Pulse a little heavy. Small red conical pimples on the wrist. Painful pulling on the sides of the neck in turning the head. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, after having eaten. Sensation as if a peg were sticking in the middle portion of the liver. 30. Aching pain at the gums, left side. Circular pain round the abdomen, terminating at the navel. Two lancinations under the right shoulder, as if with a dagger, arresting the breathing and reverberating in the chest. Sensation as of a grain of sand in the outer canthi of the eyes. Burning pinching at the pylorus. 35. Constriction in the thyroid body. Sensation as if the right lower limb, from the hip to the heel, were shorter : this sensation, though illusory, causes him to limp. The left eye feels as if drawn towards the temple. Burning and constriction in the throat.

Second day: Pain in the inner head. 40. The feet are cold. The arms are weak. Contusive feeling at the inner side of the right shoulder-blade. Painful heaviness in the loins. Appearance of a blue dazzling light before the eyes. 45. Borborygmi. Painful pressure in the temples. Desire to vomit. Sensation, below the breasts, of subcutaneous ulceration. Lancinations in the dorsal spine as from needles. 50. The prover imagines he hears someone walking behind him. The cranium presses on the brain on all sides like en iron helmet. Pulling in the pit of the stomach. Itching on the thighs. Titillating itching in the ears. 55. Swelling of the right ear. Deafness. Dreams about parties with illuminations; quarrels, battles. Frontal headache, as if the forehead would split, with weight above the eyes, especially at night. Pain in the stomach extending to the navel. 60. Weariness of the arms and lower limbs. Smarting in the nostrils. Cutting sensations all round the eyeball as if cut out with a pen-knife. Pain in the left cheek. Sweat and debility after eating. 65. Greenish spitting in the morning. Sensation in the head, as if some living being were walking about in a circle. Shocks in the brain so violent that one is near losing one’s equilibrium. Continual twitching of the eyebrows, especially the left. Black, bloody froth around the lips, in the morning. 70. Tongue of a scarlet-red. Jerking in the fingers. Pain in the elbow as if the bones were pulled. Sensation as if a thread were rolling in the eye and wore pulling the eyeball toward the temple. Acute pulling in the thigh, with momentary paralysis in the right pelvic extremity. 75. Acute lancinations in the right temple. Very thirsty. Belly-ache after drinking. Pressure in the whole abdomen, in the direction of the navel. The abdomen is exceedingly sensitive. 8O. Great desire for food, suddenly passing off at the sight of the latter. Loathing of moat. Yellow rings around the eyes. Discharge of an albuminous substance from the rectum, preceded by tenesmus and urging. Falling of the rectum for ten minutes. 85. Pain in the hollow of the band.


Third day. Pain in the chest. which reaches as far as the back. Sensation as of an opening in the pit of the stomach through which air passes. Sleeplessness with agitations. Headache as if tho forehead would split. 90. Headache, nose-bleed, and excited feeling in consequence of having been roused from sleep suddenly. Drawing-up of the lower limb from the hip to the fool, With crampy pain. Leucorrhoea. Small pimples on the hairy scalp. The toes remain bent. 95. The nails are red. Sensation as of water in the chest, with efforts to throw it up, and sensation as if the heart were floating in a liquid. Constant yawning. Itching of the tongue. Smarting at the tips of the fingers. 100. Sensation as of dust in the throat. The pimples at first look like flea-bites, after which they become elevated like little cones and constitute the centers of an exfoliation less entensive than that caused by the elaps coralinus, with a little black speck remaining in the middle. Itching in the canthus of the eye. Acute sensation of burning and redness of the skin which is perceptibly sunken in at the opening of the right nostril. The prover imagines he hears someone moan. 105. The thorax and head feel as if pressed upon by an iron armor. Sensation as of bands round the abdomen. Pain in the elbows. Pain in the jugular veins when moving the neck. Abundant discharge of nasal mucus, at night. 110. Foul taste, or taste us of onions in the mouth until it is rinsed. Burning and prickling at the tip of the tongue. Swoon which passes air in the open air. Anorexia all day, and a good deal of appetite in the evening. Pain above the right breast. 115. The soup falls into the stomach quite suddenly, and lies there like a stone, with pain in the back. Stitch in the left side when drawing breath after drinking. Lancinations in the side.


Fourth day. Violent lancinations in the uterus while washing one’s-self with cold water, the lancinations become frightful when using warm water, with weight at the uterus. Itching under the feet. 120. Formication in the feet as high up as the ankles. Prickling in the bends of the knees. Faint feeling at the stomach. While in a clairvoyant state, he speaks to somebody who does not answer him. 125. Feeling of fright at night. First the blood is felt rising in the carotid arteries several times; this is followed by a faint feeling and lastly by a sensation as if a valve were suddenly opened. Violent blow at the epigastrium. All his limbs tremble. Chilliness all over which continues even under the bed-cover. 130. Violent ache at the vertex, and sensitiveness of the hairy scalp to the touch. Extinction of the voice. Great weakness. Depression of spirits. Suffocative oppression and fear of another paroxysm. 135. Sensation as if a red-hot iron were sticking in the vertex. The eyelids feel heavy. Pain in the lower gums as if they had been touched by a red-hot iron. Excessive weight at the diaphragm. Continual contusive pain between the two shoulders, and sometimes slow and measured lancinations when inclining backwards, as if a vertebra had been fractured. 140. Constrictive pain in the thyroid body as if strung together with a string.


Fifth day. Coldness in the back after eating. Drawing from the neck to the epigastrium. Pain in the right clavicle. Weight on the orbits, at night. 145. The feet are icy cold. Headache above the eyes, at ten o’clock in the morning. Stomach-ache when eating, as if too empty. The heart feels as if boating from above downwards. Internal pain between tho shoulders. 150. The inner nose is ulcerated. He is pursued all over by the idea of death, especially when alone. He can only think of death with great depression of spirits. Ineffectual desire to weep. Laminations in the meatus and auditorius. 155. Vermillion-colored metrorrhagia. Paralysis of the tongue. She stands for ten minutes on the window-sill, and she is arrested when on the point of precipitating herself out of the window. She rises suddenly at three o’clock, uttering two shrill cries and throwing herself forward. The vermillion-colored metrorrhagia with which she had been affected since the morning, disappears suddenly. 160. Profuse flow of tears. The hands are cold. Tho hands tremble. Loss of memory. Second attack at six o’clock, after which she Seats herself in an arm-chair. 165. Burning forehead. Palpitation of the heart. Weeping. She plays with her lingers like a child. The suffocative oppression increases. 170. Magnetic state, she hears nothing, and again sees the phantom of death, an immense, black, fleshless skeleton . her tears and mania increase. Vacant stare. Pressive points in the abdomen.


Sixth day. Bone-pain and swelling of the left clavicle. Dream about a horse which is bathed in a pond and gets drowned gradually. 175. Piteous moaning during sleep. Even while awake one feels as if one were falling out of bed. Acute pain at the seem-lumbar articulation. Loss of consciousness, one hears and sees nothing. Coldness in the back. 180. Oppression of breathing, as though there were not air enough in the house. Contraction of the toes. Desire for snow, without desiring either water or wine. Itching at the epigastrium. Heat in the thighs. 185. She exclaims several times: he is in the lions’ den, but they will not bite him. At six o’clock in the evening, another fit of mania. Magnetic state, during which she does not answer any questions but hears a strange voice on her left side and behind her; she follows it, and tilts against the doors which had been closed and which she scratches with her nails. Three very nearly similar attacks succeed each other, they are occasionally interrupted by silly laughter and always end with a flood of tears. She exclaims again: he is in the den, but the lions will not eat him.


Seventh day. Fainting from hunger, before eating. 190. Contusive pain at the occiput. Somnolence the whole morning. Another attack of mental alienation, she hears voices which she follows, and sheds a flood of tears. Her head feels heavy, with stupor. The humeral extremity of the left clavicle continues to swell. 195. Intermittent metrorrhagia twice a day, and alternating with the paroxysms of mania. Involuntary emission of urine during sleep. Pain across the umbilical region, with alternate sensation of spreading out and pinching together. Swelling of the three last toes of the left foot. Excoriation and pustules on the toes of the left foot. 200. Suffocative oppression. Pain-in the bones, especially in the joints, at the shoulder-blades, elbows, at the phalanxes of the fingers, at the knees, hip and under the toe-nails. Pressure at the right hip as with the blade of a knife. The metrorrhagia ceases. She cannot bear seeing any one on her right side, without experiencing palpitation of the heart and a real fatigue from pleasure.


Eighth day. 205. Dreams about enormous shaggy spiders walking towards one and attempting to crawl over one’s person. Pain in the large psoas-muscle resembling land-nations. Suffocative oppression. A circular spot between the two breasts which is black at the upper and red at the lower portion. Hepatic spots of a bright-yellow color, or freckles on the upper part of the right hands. 210. Small red pimples on the left foot, like those which appeared on the hand on the second day of the proving. Obstinate constipation. Lancinations, as if stabbed with a knife, in the uterus and anus, especially while washing herself with cold water. Pains in the lower parts of the belly when taking a cold drink. Excessive sensitiveness of the epigastrium, which does not even allow the pressure of the clothes. 215. Tho molar teeth are excessively sensitive and set on edge. Vomiting after breakfast in consequence of drinking tepid water. Flushes of heat in the face. Violent itching at the calves. Small red pimples with a white tip. 220. While drinking cold water, the veins of the bend of the knee have n. deep-black color. Buzzing in the ears while going down-stairs.


Ninth day.–Ache, at night, in the upper molares, with inflammation of the gums. Spitting of blood mixed with thick phlegm. Dreams about dead persons and phantoms. 225. Loathing of food. Very deaf, after a month. She fools as though her eyes wore falling out. Slight pain under the lids. Discharge of white mucus from the mouth. 230. Discharge of a bright-red blood from the nose. The last phalanges fool as if broken. The tips of the fingers are blue. Thu nails are bare. Yellow complexion. 235. Pain in the left side. She feels uncomfortable in consequence of having her courses, and is out of humor on account of having thorn. Aversion to talking; sensitive mood. Desire to move about. 240. She answers all questions with: no. Small red pimples all over. Tightness of the head, from above. Cramps in the arms, as if the nerves had been tied up in a knot during a venesection.



MORAL AND MENTAL SPHERE: 1. She answers no, whenever she is asked a question. Sensitive mood. Aversion to talking. Sensation as if one were falling out of bed, even while awake. 5. Loss of consciousness. She exclaims: he is in the lions’ den, but they will nut bite him. Magnetic state; she hears a strange voice, follows it and tilts against the doors; she has three such attacks, occasionally interrupted by laughter and tears. Ineffectual desire to weep. Loss of memory. 10. Magnetic state; she hears nothing, and sees a black skeleton. Mania. He thinks he will die, especially when alone. Depression of spirits. Despair. 15. Anguish.

HEAD: Sensation as of a red-hot iron in the vertex. Lancinations in right temple. Violent ache at the vertex. Burning forehead. 20. Contusive pain at the occiput. Tightness of the head, from above. Her head feels heavy, with stupor. Sensation in the head as if something alive were walking about in a circle. Shocks in the brain. 25. Painful pressure in the temples. Sensation as if the brain were pressed upon by an iron helmet. Headache as if the forehead would split, with weight above the eyes. Pain in middle of forehead. Pain in the interior of the head. 30. Pain under the right orbit and in right side of forehead. Frontal headache, afterwards all over the head. Sensitiveness of the having scalp.

EYES : Pain under the lids. Sensation as though her eyes would fall out. 35. Profuse lachrymation. Heavy pain at back part of orbit and left eyebrow. Vacant stare. Weight on the orbits, at night. The eyelids feel heavy. 40. Itching of the canthus. Yellow rings round the eyes. Blue dazzling light before the eyes. Twitching of the eyebrows. Sensation as if the eyeball were pulled towards the temple by a thread. 45. Sense of a grain of sand in the outer canthi. The left eye feels as if drawn towards the temples. Contractive pressure at right eyeball, which felt as if drawn out. Cutting round the eyeball.

EARS: Buzzing in the ears while going down-stairs. 50. Lancinations in the meatus auditorius. He imagines he hears someone walking behind him. Sensation as if someone ware moaning. Titillating itching in the ears. Deafness. 55. Swelling of the right ear.

FACE : Yellow complexion. Alteration of the features. Formication in the face. Flushes of heat in the face. Pain in loft cheek.

NOSE: 60. Ulceration of the inner nose. Discharge of a bloody liquid from the nose. Sense of burning and redness of the skin, with depression, at the orifice of the right nostril. Nosebleed. Smarting in the nostrils. 65. lnsipid, nauseous smell all day, as in a hospital. Tho tip of the nose is drawn up.

TEETH: rain in lower gums as from a red-hot iron. Aching in the upper molares, at night, with inflammation of the gums. The molar teeth are sensitive and set on edge. 70. Aching pain in loft gums.

MOUTH: Paralysis of the tongue. Burning and prickling at the tip of the tongue. Itching of the tongue. Tongue of a scarlet-red. 75. Pain in the tongue. Spitting of black blood. Spitting of blood, mixed with thick phlegm. Discharge of white mucus from the mouth. Greenish spitting in the morning. 80. Black, bloody froth around the lips in the morning. Thick, viscid saliva which it is difficult to get out.

TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Salt taste in the mouth, not removed by drinking sugar-water. Taste as of onions in the mouth, before rinsing it. Aversion to food. 85. Desire for snow. Desire for food, passing off on seeing it. Thirst. Fainting from hunger. Coldness in the back after eating. 90. Anorexia all day. The soup descends into the stomach quite suddenly, and lies there like a heavy body, with pain in the back. Stitch in the left side, after drinking when drawing breath. Colic after drinking. Aversion to meat. 95. Sweat and debility after eating. Desire to vomit.

THROAT : Constriction of the throat. Sensation of a lump in his throat. Difficulty of swallowing. 100. Sense of dust in the throat. Burning and constriction in the throat. Tingling in the throat.

STOMACH : Stomach-ache, when eating, as if too empty. Faint feeling at the stomach. 105. Pulling in pit of stomach. Sensation of an opening in pit of stomach, through which air passes. Pain from stomach to navel. Burning pinching at the pylorus. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, after eating.

ABDOMEN: 110. Sensitiveness of the epigastrium. Pressive points in the abdomen. Lancing pains in the large psoas-muscle. Pains in Iower part of belly when taking a cold drink. Pain across the umbilical region, with alternate sensation of spreading out and pinching together. 115. Itching at the epigastrium. Shock at the epigastrium. Falling of the rectum. Weight at the diaphragm. Sense of bands round the abdomen. 120. Pressure in abdomen, towards the navel. The abdomen is sensitive. Discharge of an albuminous substance from the rectum, preceded by tenesmus. Borborygmi. Sense of a peg sticking in the middle of the liver. 125. Circular pain round the abdomen, terminating at the navel.

STOOL: Constipation. Yellowish diarrhoea.

URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS: Emission of a deeply-colored urine. Metrorrhagia (vermillion-colored). 130. Feels uncomfortable in consequence of having her courses. Metrorrhagia alternating with mania. Lancination in uterus, especially when washing one’s self with warm water, with weight at the uterus. Leucorrhoea.

BRONCHIAL SYMPTOMS: Aphonia. 135. Pain in the larynx. Dry cough, with tickling in the throat, at night.

CHEST: Round spot between the breasts, black above and red below. Swelling of the humeral extremity of the left clavicle. Palpitation of the heart. 140. Suffocative oppression. Oppression of breathing, as from want of air. Bone pain and swelling of the left clavicle. Anxious breathing. The heart feels as if beating from above downwards. 145. The thorax feels as if encased in iron. Pain in the right clavicle. Violent pains in the chest. Pain above the right breast. Sensation of water in the chest, and as if the heart were floating in a liquid. 150. Copious sweat on the chest. Ulcerative feeling under the breast.

BACK: Coldness in the back. Slow lancinations between the shoulders, when inclining backwards. Acute pain at the sacro-lumbar articulation. 155. Internal pain between the shoulders. Contusive pain between the shoulders. Lancination in the dorsal spine, as from needles. Painful heaviness in the loins. Contusive feeling at inner side of right shoulder-blade.

NECK: 160. Constrictive pain in thyroid body. Swelling of the jugular veins. He feels the blood rise in the carotid arteries, followed by faint feeling and sensation as if a valve wore opening. Drawing from the neck to the epigastrium. Pain in the jugular veins when moving, the neck. 165. Constriction in thyroid body. Painful pulling in the sides of the’ neck when turning the head.

UPPER EXTREMITIES : Lancinations under the right shoulder arresting the breathing. The bitten hand and arm are inflamed and very painful. Sensation of swelling in the forearm. Violent pain in the whole arm. Weakness of the arms. 170. Cramps in the arms as if the nerves had been tied up in a knot, during a venesection. Rheumatic pain in right shoulder. Trembling of the hands. Slight pain in the hollow of the hand. Pulling pain in the elbows. 175. Pain in the elbows. Enormous swelling of the hand. Feeling of coldness in the hand. Jerking in the fingers. Smarting of the tips of the fingers. 180. The tips of the fingers are blue. The last phalanges feel as if broken. She plays with her fingers. Nails are red. The nails are bare. 195. Rheumatic pain in left wrist.

LOWER EXTREMITIES: Sensation as if the whole right lower limb wore shorter; this causes him to limp. Acute pulling in the thigh, with momentary paralysis. Itching on the thighs. Drawing-up of the lower limb, with crampy pain. 190. Pressure at right hip as from a knife, Heat in the thighs. Sense of burning heat in the legs. Prickling in the bends of the knees. Itching of the calves. 195. Cold feet. Sense of coldness in the feet. The feet are icy-cold. Itching under the feet. Formication in the feet. 200. The toes remain bent. Contraction of the toes. Swelling of the three last toes of the left foot. Violent cramp of the heel.

SLEEP: Sudden rising at three in the morning, and uttering two shrill cries, with throwing herself forward. 205. Dreams about dead persons and phantoms. Dreams about spiders attempting to crawl over her. Disposition to slumber. Somnolence, the whole morning. Moaning during sleep. 210. Involuntary urination during sleep. Dream about a horse which is drowned in a pond. Yawning. Dreams about illuminations, quarrels. Sleeplessness. 215. Starting during sleep. Fright at night, without knowing about what.

FEVER: Chilliness all over. Sense of chilliness. Pulse heavy. 220. Pulse 98 to 104.

CUTANEOUS SYMPTOMS: Bright-yellow spots on upper part of right hand. Red pimples on left foot. Red pimples all over. Red pimples with white tips. 225. Pustules on the left toes. Pimples on the hairy scalp. Pimples resembling flea-bites, afterwards becoming raised and exfoliating, leaving a black point in the center. Red pimples on the wrist.

GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Pain in left side. 230. Trembling of the whole body. She cannot see any one on her right side without feeling a palpitation of the heart, and a real fatigue from pleasure. Desire to move about. Pain in the joints, shoulder-blades, elbows, &c. Trembling of the limbs. 235. Weakness. Torpor. Pains in the whole body, inducing a moaning. Swoon. Lancinations in the side. 240. Prickling all over. Weariness of the arms, and lower limbs. Lancinations in various parts of the body.

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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by "CROTALUS CASCAVELLA - by Benoît Mure "and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date.

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