THIs toad is found all over America; it inhabits swamps and marshy regions. It is as big as two fists, though its size varies a good deal. It is readily known by its enormous rhomboidal parotids, whence it sends forth a large quantity of poison. Its head is flat, triangular, more large than long; it shows a strong osseous edge, commencing at the tip of the muzzle, thence stretching towards the inner angle of the eye, round this organ, and finally terminating behind the lids. The eye and the tympanic wall are very large. The trunk, which is very large anteriorly, in consequence of the large development of the parotides, is covered, on each side of the dorsal spine, with two irregular rows of large elliptical or conical bladders; sometimes there are such bladders on the sides. The anterior extremities do not reach to the end of the trunk; the posterior extremities reach beyond the muzzle by the length of the fourth toe. The toes are rather flattened; the first toe is longer than the second. Its colors are various, consisting of a number of brown spots, which coalesce on the back, and are separated on the abdomen by yellowish dots. The horrible croaking of these animals is well known, and might rouse the indignation of the most phlegmatic individual. By exciting the animal, we caused it to spirt its saliva, which we collected on a little sugar of milk, and at once prepared, by trituration.

Prover: Bruno Vidal.

First day. -1. Extreme heaviness of the head, at 2. Aversion to work, with inability, the whole afternoon.

Second day. Pain at the sacrum, worse when rising, stooping or sitting. Almost continual expansive pressure in the orbits, and sensation of internal itching; he is obliged to rub his eyes with the palm of his hand. 5. Itching at the pubis. Itching at the face. Violent itching at the lips. Third day. Pain at the inner part of the right knee . Easy stool. 10. Itching, almost all over. Not disposed to study. Less active than usual. Expansive pressure and itching in the orbits. The pain at the sacrum continues.

Fourth day. -15. The pain at the sacrum is less; the pain at the knee has ceased. Expansive pressure and itching in the orbits. Itching almost all over. Constant erections without desire; not disposed to intellectual labor, not very active

Fifth to tenth day. Laziness of mind as before. 20. Constant erections, but no desire. Itching and expansive sensation in the orbits.

Eleventh day. No sleep.

Twelfth day. Prickling at the right big toe.

Thirteenth day. Crampy pain at the outer side of the right leg. 25. Red pimple, which breaks and leaves a black spot in its place. Pricking in the pit of the stomach. Pinching at the inside of the left elbow.

Fourteenth to fifteenth day. Pressure at the cartilages of the false ribs. Loathing of study.

Seventeenth to eighteenth day. -30. The eyes are red and smart. A former fungus bleeds. The orbits feel larger, and as if they were in contact with the orbital walls. Aversion to work. He is apt to forget things which he had been occupied with a moment ago.

Nineteenth day. -35. The eyes smart and are painful when touched.

Twentieth to Thirty-fifth day. Careless. Lazy and discouraged. No disposition to work. Weak memory. 40. The upper portion of the orbits seems to be in contact with the orbital walls, especially at night. He is obliged to rub his face in the morning. Formication of the lower jaw. Itching at the lumbar vertebrae. Itching at the anus. 45. A black spot on the right outer ankle, which had remained after a pimple, continues.

Thirty-sixth day. Large red pimple on the occiput. Thirty-eighth day. Very gay in the evening. Disposed to talk about merry things.

Thirty-ninth day. Gay. Lively. 50. The pimple at the nape of the neck remains. Itching at the lumbar vertebrae. Pain in front of the lobule of the left ear. Ganglion on the sole of the right foot. Excoriation of the left masseter muscle, discharging a little sanguinolent humor. 55. Heaviness of the head after a walk. The eyes smart and are painful when touched. Sleeps for an hour, in the middle of the day, contrary to habit. Sad, he avoids company. He is unable to act with decision, he forms projects and dues not accomplish them. 60. Tingling in the lumbar region. Dreams every night, does not recollect his dreams on waking. Pressure on the right side of the forehead. Taciturn and gloomy. Painful sensation under the false ribs. 65. Itching at the sacrum. (Sense of weakness in the whole left side of the head.) Prickings in the tips of the fingers of the right hand and the left toes. Pimples on the forehead. Weakness of mind and memory, less in the evening. 70. Acute lancinations in the left temple. Acute pain in the right wrist. Continual headache. Pain in the extensor muscles of the right arm. Pimple on the right wrist. 75. Violent itching. Drowsy. Poetical and philosophical dreams. Exalted imagination.



1. Sad, he avoids company. Exalted imagination. Indolence of mind. Merry and talkative. 5. Pressure on the right side of the forehead. Darting in the left temple. Heaviness of the head. Expansive pressure in the orbits, and sensation of internal itching. The eyes are red and smart. 10. The orbits feel larger, and as if in contact with the orbital walls. Formication of the lower jaw. Violent itching at the lips. Itching of the pubis. Erections without desire. 15. Pain under the false ribs. Tingling in the lumbar region. Pain at the sacrum, worse when rising. Itching at the lumbar vertebrae. Prickings in the tips of the right fingers. 20. Acute pain in the right wrist. Pain at the right knee. Prickling at the big toe. Poetical dreams. Red pimple, leaving a black spot after breaking. 25. Excoriation at the left masseter muscle. Aversion to work. Itching all over.

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