Back pain in children and adolescents
Peter A Nigrovic, MD Section EditorRobert Sundel, MD Deputy EditorMary M Torchia, MD
Back pain occurs commonly in children and adolescents, affecting up to 50 percent of children by age 18 to 20 years. The pain may be sharp and shooting, burning, or aching, and may be felt anywhere in the back.
This topic will review the most common causes of back pain in children, treatments that can be tried at home, and a guide to when the child should see his or her healthcare provider. Back pain in adults is discussed separately. (See “Patient information: Low back pain in adults”.)
The most common cause of low back pain in children is muscle sprain and strain. This can occur while playing, from carrying a heavy backpack, or after a fall.
Less common causes include abnormalities in the spinal bones (vertebrae), infections, arthritis, and, rarely, cancer. (See “Back pain in children and adolescents: Overview of causes”.)
Contact your child’s healthcare provider if your child has one or more of the following:
Back pain that is severe, occurs at night or wakes the child from sleep, or worsens over time
Back pain accompanied by fever (temperature >100.4ºF or 38ºC)
Back pain accompanied by weight loss
Back pain in a child under five years of age
Leg weakness, walking with a limp, or refusing to walk
Back pain that developed after a recent injury
Past history of cancer or tuberculosis
Change in bowel or bladder control (eg, new accidents)
Back pain that prevents the child from participating in normal activities
To determine the most likely cause of a child’s back pain, the healthcare provider will ask questions and will perform a physical examination. Blood tests and x-rays or other imaging tests are not always needed, especially if the back pain began recently. (See “Evaluation of the child with back pain”.)
If your child has back pain but has none of the warning signs described above (see ‘When to seek help’ above), it is reasonable to try some home treatments initially. However, if the child’s pain does not improve, call the child’s healthcare provider.
Pain medications — Non-prescription pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol® and others) or ibuprofen (Advil® and others) may help to reduce a child’s back pain. These medications are particularly helpful for back pain caused by overuse, strains, and sprains.
These medications should be given according to the child’s weight, rather than age.
Heat — Applying heat can help with back pain during the first few days after overuse or an injury. You may use a heating pad, hot water bottle, or other hot pack. Be careful to avoid burning the skin with a pack or pad that is too hot.
Remaining active — Staying active can help to relieve muscle spasms and prevents weakening of the muscles. On the other hand, back pain caused by overexertion may not improve without rest. Thus, high-impact activities (running, jumping, or other activities that cause pain) should be avoided while the child has pain. It is fine for the child to continue with regular day-to-day activities and light exercise that does not cause pain.
Bed rest is not recommended. Children who prefer to remain completely inactive should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.
Stretching and strengthening exercises — As the pain begins to improve, your child’s healthcare provider may recommend specific stretching and strengthening exercises. A physical therapist can help to design a program tailored to your child.
Activities such as walking, swimming, bicycling, and other low-impact activities are also recommended. The child should temporarily avoid activities that involve twisting or bending, are high impact, or that make the back hurt more.
Your child’s healthcare provider is the best source of information for questions and concerns related to your child’s medical problem.
Related topics for patients, as well as selected articles written for healthcare professionals, are also available. Some of the most relevant are listed below.
Patient Level Information:
Patient information: Low back pain in adults
Professional Level Information:
Approach to the child with a limp
Back pain in children and adolescents: Overview of causes
Clinical features; evaluation; and diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Evaluation of the child with back pain
Overview of the causes of limp in children
Spondyloarthropathy in children
Treatment and prognosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
The following organizations also provide reliable health information.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Backpack safety. American Academy of Pediatrics. Available at: (Accessed on March 30, 2009).
Diepenmaat AC, van der Wal MF, de Vet HC, Hirasing RA. Neck/shoulder, low back, and arm pain in relation to computer use, physical activity, stress, and depression among Dutch adolescents. Pediatrics 2006; 117:412.
Pellisé F, Balagué F, Rajmil L, et al. Prevalence of low back pain and its effect on health-related quality of life in adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2009; 163:65.
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