Anal Fissure
Anal fissure is a crack or tear in the anal canal due to repeated trauma by hard stool. Homeopathy offers a definitive, comprehensive and an absolute solution for an excruciating condition like anal fissure.Homeopathy treats its underlying cause; individual’s susceptibility and puts a stop to its recurrence.The primary aim of homeopathy is to restore the state of sick to health by eliminating the root cause of the disease in a most gentle way.
- Occasionally pain can be so severe the patient is unwilling to pass the stools leading to constipation and sometimes even fecal impaction.
- Constipation further complicates the condition leading to trauma and worsens the condition along with symptoms of Anal fissure.
- A skin tag/sentinel pile forms in case of chronic fissure.
Majority of fissures do not have any underlying identifiable cause.
Common causes include:
- Constipation and straining during bowel movements
- Chronic diarrhea
- Crohn’s disease
- Childbirth
- Chronic fissure – Anal fissure that fails to heal within six weeks is considered chronic. Each time you pass stool, the already traumatised anal canal tissue is damaged furthermore which prevents healing the fissure. Chronic fissure produces scar tissue that hampers normal bowel evacuation.
- Recurrence – Once you’ve experienced an anal fissure, you are prone to having another one.
Homeopathic Approach
The homeopathic approach to Anal fissure is holistic . Homeopathic treatment for anal fissure does not treat a specific part of your body as you cannot be sick in a part but as a whole. The sickness affects your body and mind at the same time.
Homeopathic treatment for anal fissure treats its underlying cause; individual’s susceptibility and puts a stop to its recurrence.
The primary aim of homeopathic treatment for anal fissure is to eliminate the root cause of the disease in a most gentle way.
Avoid being treated with a knife that may lead to irreversible damage.
Where all else fails, Homeopathy begins!!!
Hundreds and thousands of people have benefitted from homeopathic treatment for anal fissure.
There are more than 40 wonderful remedies in homeopathic treatment for anal fissure.
- Calcarea phoshoricum for chronic non healing fissure.
- Graphites for fissures occurred due to severe constipation with soreness of anus.
- Ratanhia for fissures with severe burning pain in anus which is temporary relieved by cold water.
- Silicea for fissure due to hard stool that has to be removed mechanically.
See how several remedies can be chosen in homeopathic treatment for anal fissure depending on the finer differentiation points listed below:
FISSURE, RECTUM: 1 Acon, 1 Aesc, 2 Agn, 2 All-c, 1 Aloe, 1 Alum, 1 Am-c, 1 Anac, 1 Androc, 1 Ant-c, 1 Arg-m, 1 Arn, 2 Ars, 1 Ars-s-f, 1 Arum-t, 1 Bcg, 1 Berb, 1 Calc, 1 Calc-f, 2 Calc-p, 1 Carb-ac, 1 Carb-an, 1 Carc, 2 Caust, 3 Cham, 2 Cund, 1 Cur, 2 Fl-ac, 3 Graph, 1 Grat, 1 Hep, 2 Hydr, 2 Ign, 1 Kali-c, 1 Kali-i, 1 Lac-d, 2 Lach, 2 Led, 1 Med, 2 Merc, 1 Merc-i-r, 1 Mez, 1 Morg, 1 Morg-g, 1 Morph, 1 Mur-ac, 2 Nat-m, 3 Nit-ac , 2 Nux-v, 2 Paeon, 2 Petr, 2 Phos, 2 Phyt, 1 Pip-n, 1 Plat, 2 Plb, 3 Rat, 1 Rhus-t, 1 Sars, 2 Sed-ac, 3 Sep , 2 Sil, 2 Sulph, 1 Syph, 1 Tab, 3 Thuj , 1 Tub, 1 Zing
- 4 marks- most effective,
- 3 marks- quite effective,
- 2 marks- less effective,
- 1 mark- least effective.
- Make a habit to include foods rich in fibre .
- Drink adequate fluids and avoid dehydration.
- Exercise regularly for minimum of 30 minutes daily or moderate physical activity. Exercise promotes regular bowel movements and increases blood flow to the organs that helps in healing of the fissure.
- Avoid straining during bowel movements. It creates pressure that can lead to a tear or worsening the fissure.
- Never ignore the urge to pass the stools. It increases the chances of constipation
- Decrease intake of caffeine, alcohol.
- Consume approximately 18 grams of fiber daily. Foods rich in high fibre content are
- Fruits
- vegetables
- wholegrain rice
- whole wheat pasta
- wholemeal bread
- seeds
- nuts
- oats
- Drink adequate fluids to reduce constipation.
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by "Anal Fissure "and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date.
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We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered’ incurable ‘ on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the medicines mentioned in the posts ,including services mentioned at "" should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider.
Testimonials Disclaimer– : Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. The testimonials are real, and these patients have been treated with homeopathy treatment from our clinic . However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, Medicine can do with their disease contions and should not be taken as average or typical results.