Scarlet Pimpernel
Marked action on skin, characterized by great itching and tingling everywhere. Favors expulsion of splinters. An old medicine for hydrophobia and dropsy. Possesses power of softening flesh and destroying warts.
Head.–Great hilarity; headache over supra-orbital ridges, with rumbling in bowels and eructations; better from coffee. Sick headache. Pain in facial muscles.
Extremities.–Rheumatic and gouty pains. Pain in shoulder and arm. Cramp in ball of thumbs and fingers.
Urine.–More or less irritation in urethra, inclining to coition. Burning pain on urinating, with agglutination of orifice. Urine passes in several streams; must press before it passes.
Skin.–Itching; dry, bran-like eruption, especially on hands and fingers. Palms especially affected. Vesicles in groups. Ulcers and swellings on joints.
Relationship.–Anagallis contains Saponin, q. v.
Compare: Cyclamen; Primula obcon.
Dose.–First to third potency.
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